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Bot power in ?go base

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  • #31
    I think people live in my time zone are discriminated against by the staff ... we the minority that play at a different time are treated as 2nd class players.

    Personally I would like to complain more, but I doubt that would change anything ...
    Wont die, no surrender 2


    • #32
      Originally posted by Kim Eugene
      there's more than enough people with bot powers, or the damn arena wouldn't be running 24/7 would it? Maybe tel, u just want a piece of the pie.

      mmm id take a piece of her pie!

      sorry tel.....but it had to be said lol
      Last edited by Bosshawk; 06-25-2003, 01:28 PM.
      Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Kim Eugene
        there's more than enough people with bot powers, or the damn arena wouldn't be running 24/7 would it?

        It aren`t running 24/7 most of ppl that have bot powers live in states and it`s really hard to find someone to start bot at 1pm-16pm coz there`s just not enough euros online.

        FIRST you pillage, THEN you burn.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Spybreak!
          I terred & won the first priv basing (I remember vaguely, but brookus knows distinctly!)
          I was only picked cause you were terr and I got MVP



          • #35
            Originally posted by Bigwig
            There are more significant problems than simply bad names for teams. like picking horrible horrible captains over and over again like some people do.
            That is a problem somtimes. But then these 'non-horrible' captains need to actually specify that they are available to cap. After waiting a few minutes for a captain, if only two people decide to say "cap me", then that's who the captains are going to be, whoever they are (I'm not into forcing people to cap when they didn't ask for it).

            However I don't seem to encounter that problem too often.. most captains seem to do just fine that I have witnessed. However I have seen some terrible captains but that was just lack of experience that everybody encounters at first.


            • #36
              well i never mind capping, keep to traditional type lineups....

              but im not a cap whore like some.....

              ill always can cap me if you need one reliable....

              but i dont usually speak up to much lol
              Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.


              • #37
                i was thinking of a few additions that might be made to the bot, while we're on the topic of the bot.

                Since everyones been complaining about 5 spiders being so boring and what have you, lets try out a 3 spider limit per freq. it certainly would promote some experimentation with ship lineups. i know there has been some experimentation of late, but for the most part i still see 4 and 5 spiders.

                Why not Prevent any captain from putting themselves in jav. I'd rather not see another game where someone picks a bad team just so they can jav themselves, or terr themselves or wb themselves for that matter. then leave half way through the game because they suck and dragged their team down. not that that happens often. i suppose that makes things more difficult, but since most people beg to jav or beg to cap so they can jav, a limit on caps javing is all i'm asking for. Yes, i do see a conflict between my first suggestion and my second.

                also, whats the reasoning behind making !notplaying not permanent. if you're going to have it at all, it may as well be on until you turn it off.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Bigwig
                  i was thinking of a few additions that might be made to the bot, while we're on the topic of the bot.

                  Since everyones been complaining about 5 spiders being so boring and what have you, lets try out a 3 spider limit per freq. it certainly would promote some experimentation with ship lineups. i know there has been some experimentation of late, but for the most part i still see 4 and 5 spiders.

                  no. That limits the options and not encourage experimentation. All the caps do not use 5 spiders. Some do and fine, let them do it, it's a good strategy. Some use 5 birds, fine let them do that then.

                  There is a ship limit for sharks. What would happen if that would be removed?? Never seen it but they could not be that good right? I mean respawning takes a while and the mine limit makes them pure repping-machines.
                  5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
                  5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
                  5: Da1andonly> =((
                  5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
                  5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
                  5: Epinephrine> oh shit


                  • #39
                    I, for one, am all in favour of non-traditional basing lineups. I've wanted to try 10 lancaster basing for a while, and I just played my first base-WB game the other day (FUN!).

                    I have to admit, playing 2-3 spiders makes the game a lot more fun, if you ask me...


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Jeansi
                      no. That limits the options and not encourage experimentation.

                      hmmm id like to encourage some experimentation with you jeansi!

                      Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.


                      • #41
                        Bigwig, I hate your ideas.

                        limiting the number of spiders is justlimiting another option. Let people play 5 spids if they want, that gives a benchmark to see how good the experimental lines are.. how do you know if you're line is bette than 5 spids, if you never got to put it against 5 spids?
               - Gallileo's racist thread

                        "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                        • #42
                          I don't see why anything should be limited in the arena. I think any ship (even levs) should be allowed, and you could even make new strategies if 3+ sharks were allowed. Think of the possibilities of a 6-terrier team.


                          • #43
                            the point is 5 spiders is boring. Hell, 4 spiders is boring. i don't necessarily want a limit, but i don't see why 4 or 5 spiders should be relied on like a crutch, as if it were the ultimate lineup. A limit, to promote innovation, is not negative. I support a limit in Leagues also of course, and i wouldn't implement it in go base if it wasn't under consideration for leagues. What happened to the equilibrium of TW ship settings? 5 spiders kind of upsets the balance.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Bigwig
                              the point is 5 spiders is boring. Hell, 4 spiders is boring. i don't necessarily want a limit, but i don't see why 4 or 5 spiders should be relied on like a crutch, as if it were the ultimate lineup. A limit, to promote innovation, is not negative. I support a limit in Leagues also of course, and i wouldn't implement it in go base if it wasn't under consideration for leagues. What happened to the equilibrium of TW ship settings? 5 spiders kind of upsets the balance.
                              valid point bigwig


                              there is a lot of stuck up snots that play in ?go base who lamely and pathetically walk out on matches when they arent winning....

                              myself, i love the game and never quit a match....but i also play to win and i cap to win

                              for me i like a 5 spider lineup, most of the time it owns....and i hate being tk'd by lame ass newb javs

                              like the other day....someone made Tarriskat a jav...

                              3/4 of the way through the match he had 8 kills and a huge amount of deaths....

                              of his 8 kills at least 5 of them were tk's on me.....

                              this is what happens when newbs's get jav'd in ?Go base....

                              so for me....ill cap 5 spiders and let some newer players play, unless theres a $$$ jav that i know isnt a tk king
                              Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.


                              • #45
                                Everybody is free to choose whatever lineup he wants within the limits now. A few months ago the jav was sacred in the lineup, now it's not. It's proven that with the right kind of tactic you can make the opponents jav useless.
                                But moths ago people had this idea that a certain lineup was great and played with that lineup.
                                Maybe the jav at this moment is useless because their are not enough javs that are good enough or trained enough to make a difference.
                                Now that the 5spider lineup became a standard lineup there is the freedom for people to find the weakness of the lineup and develop a counter lineup. This might mean one of your players have to train like a madman to become a god in another ship than spider.
                                I don't see why all spiders would make the game less exciting.
                                You are talking about an equilibrium, but if that balance 'is gone' it probably never been there. You were just ignorant.
                                You ate some priest porridge

