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  • #16
    I'm going to hope you're complimenting me on my avatar and not on my ardour.

    EDIT: for those who missed it, avatar was spelt "ardar" in the previous post.
    Not to show you up, Ice, but I want the joke to maintain continuity.
    Last edited by Troll King; 06-24-2003, 08:08 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Troll King
      I'm going to hope you're complimenting me on my avatar and not on my ardour.
      AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      I found that funny.
      jasonofabitch loves!!!!


      • #18

        my bad

        1:delta> personally, i would not go to war for oil
        1:FarScape> in age of empires you would
        1:Freeze> LOL FAR
        5:waven> freeze
        5:waven> no one talks to ease directly
        5:waven> you state your business with sanji
        5:waven> he will relay it to phizey
        5:waven> phizey will relay it to me
        5:waven> and i will talk to ease
        5:Freeze> LOL
        5:waven> that's how things work around here
        1:renzi> freeze theres difference between being wasted and being a waste


        • #19
          ice your banner could be too big, it could be saved in the wrong file, it could besaved as the wrong type of file. Check all of these. If you saved your banner, than it should be in there somewhere BTW: i know you. You go to MAHS >.>
          "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that the good do nothing."


          • #20
            uh how do u know me?

            1:delta> personally, i would not go to war for oil
            1:FarScape> in age of empires you would
            1:Freeze> LOL FAR
            5:waven> freeze
            5:waven> no one talks to ease directly
            5:waven> you state your business with sanji
            5:waven> he will relay it to phizey
            5:waven> phizey will relay it to me
            5:waven> and i will talk to ease
            5:Freeze> LOL
            5:waven> that's how things work around here
            1:renzi> freeze theres difference between being wasted and being a waste


            • #21
              Heard from Wax, also a real frriend of mine, which also knows ataris and you
              "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that the good do nothing."


              • #22
                Well where r u from?

                1:delta> personally, i would not go to war for oil
                1:FarScape> in age of empires you would
                1:Freeze> LOL FAR
                5:waven> freeze
                5:waven> no one talks to ease directly
                5:waven> you state your business with sanji
                5:waven> he will relay it to phizey
                5:waven> phizey will relay it to me
                5:waven> and i will talk to ease
                5:Freeze> LOL
                5:waven> that's how things work around here
                1:renzi> freeze theres difference between being wasted and being a waste


                • #23
                  heh Montrose, PA go to MAHS. Im pretty sure i know you at least. cant remember your name lol
                  "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that the good do nothing."


                  • #24
                    Jesus christ, has Justin got that entire high school playing SS now or what? I graduated MAHS in 2002...
                    jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                    • #25
                      lol no actually i started into SS long before i knew justin. U graduated from MAHS? whasts your last name? ill bet i know you too even though im only going into tenth
                      "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that the good do nothing."


                      • #26
                        Justin got me into it

                        Ever hear of someone with the last name rogers? thas me
                        And im in 11th so who the hell are you? And jason justin told me you got him into it rofl. Ive got atleast 6 people to play the game.
                        4.Blue ice
                        5.(forget jacks name)
                        ^all in my school
                        here are people who i didnt get into it that play from my school.
                        2.Cory(forget his ss name)
                        5. etc theres more..

                        1:delta> personally, i would not go to war for oil
                        1:FarScape> in age of empires you would
                        1:Freeze> LOL FAR
                        5:waven> freeze
                        5:waven> no one talks to ease directly
                        5:waven> you state your business with sanji
                        5:waven> he will relay it to phizey
                        5:waven> phizey will relay it to me
                        5:waven> and i will talk to ease
                        5:Freeze> LOL
                        5:waven> that's how things work around here
                        1:renzi> freeze theres difference between being wasted and being a waste


                        • #27
                          Ok i am a friend of Wax's. Names Joe, you may know me but yah know :P
                          "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that the good do nothing."


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by wax
                            Ok As nice as this is*rolls eyes* I think we are getting off topic.
                            And to correct you Blue...i told you about the game about a year after i started. So if you are going to post in this topic i suggest that it be about banners. Also i would appreciate it if you didnt refer to me by my name or location..If i wanted people to know that kind of stuff i would have told them myself.
                            Blue i will have to agree with wax. You are going way off the subject here. If you want to talk about MASH PA MONTROSE. Talk on aol instant messenger you know my name. But many people probly read this and it would be a waste of their time. Im not flaming you or nething im just saying talk to me somewhere else. Its my fault i responded on here i shouldnt of.

                            1:delta> personally, i would not go to war for oil
                            1:FarScape> in age of empires you would
                            1:Freeze> LOL FAR
                            5:waven> freeze
                            5:waven> no one talks to ease directly
                            5:waven> you state your business with sanji
                            5:waven> he will relay it to phizey
                            5:waven> phizey will relay it to me
                            5:waven> and i will talk to ease
                            5:Freeze> LOL
                            5:waven> that's how things work around here
                            1:renzi> freeze theres difference between being wasted and being a waste


                            • #29
                              sounds like a school of homosexuals...

                              Jason goes there - homo

                              wax goes there - hot wax can be used in homosexual bondage

                              ice storm 03 goes there -

                              ataris goes there - dark! said all tw staff are homos

                              people with name ice and storm go there - gay


                              • #30
                                if Wix did his macro to you it would be Wax got Waxed and it would make no sense, hater.

