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Trench Wars Memo - June 2017

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  • Trench Wars Memo - June 2017

    Trench Wars Memo
    09 June 2017[/h]
    Greetings Trench Wars Players and Staff,

    As we reach the beginning of summer season 2017, we have just sealed the end of a successful TW-Draft season. Great work, everyone!

    This effort was lead by Henry Saari and vys, and was made possible only through the dedication of many hands. A big thanks to those who found time to help make this a succes.

    Big round of applause to our dedicated hosts -- 3DM <ER>, Markmrw, Namnlos <ER>, Waz. and Wicket666 -- who made sure the league nights ran as smoothly as they should.

    Also thanks to our vigilant camera men, Markmrw and Porkjet, who were quick to upload recordings of matches with lively commentary.

    Thanks to all the captains for their hard effort running their squads and leading the entire community to the end of successful season:







    And let’s not forget our many talented content creators and statisticians, such as ixador, Ogron, okyo, Trasher, Turban, and others who with their Hot or Not reports, kept tension high and interest building toward the league’s ultimate resolution in the Finals.

    In case you’re out of the loop, the Draft finals results are:

    Coming soon

    New Original League! Trench Wars Summer League

    Ever wanted a league with no pressure to show up for matches, a high chance to play when you do show, and matches automatically and algorithmically balanced by skill?

    Trench Wars Summer League will offer all of these things, and promises to be the freshest take on league play in years. Whether you’re a vet or a complete newb, TSL will offer balanced and easily-accessible competitive play with no commitments. Only your personal performance counts. It’s safe to say there has never been anything like this in TW.

    TSL is on track to start on Sunday, June 18th. Be sure to read about it here!

    Staff, it’s important to familiarize yourselves with its concepts so you can prepare to answer ?help calls.

    Lastly, please help promote it by spreading the word. This could prove to be the greatest idea yet by TW’s premier statistician, Ogron, but we need your help to bolster the numbers and help it succeed!


    to sign up. Then …
    just show up and play!
    NOTE: We may be offering pubbux rewards to players who sign up for TSL, as well as recruitment bonuses. Stay tuned for more information.

    Steam Update

    Slow but steady progress continues on the Steam project.

    A graphic designer is working on the tutorial graphics, which will sit beneath the map and allow new players to get the feel of the game by simply flying around. When they no longer need the graphics, they can turn them off and enjoy the game.

    A slight change to the mechanics of the Steam relaunch system means we have 5 visibility rounds in which we can make the game more visible for 1 month, rather than 2 relaunches. People who are interested in similar games will be much more likely to see SS pop up in their recommended lists and discovery queues. We will not have the overwhelming population boost (which we’re hardly able to handle anyhow!) but we should see a good spike of new players, especially those who are interested in action multiplayer games and space-themed games.

    We will be creating a player retention department to handle the influx of new players as we gear up for the next visibility round.

    Staff Update

    "Ask not what your Zone can do for you,
    ask what you can do for your Zone."


    We are looking to increase our efforts in certain areas of staff, specifically: the Leagues, Marketing, Player Retention, and Development teams. Anyone can volunteer and offer help in one or more areas. If you’re currently staff (or are interested in volunteering your time as staff), we’d be glad to have your help in these needed areas. If you’re not interested in joining staff at this time but would still like to help, there is still plenty you can do. We urge you to get involved! There are no invisible elves behind the scenes. We, the players, are the elves. And for the game to improve, we need your input, your time, and your hard work. So please, if you have the interest in keeping Trench Wars going another 5 years, come forward and ask: “What can I do to help?”

    Lastly, I’m excited to announce that I am stepping aside as Interim Dean of Staff, a position I’ve filled since September 2016 (my 3rd time doing it!). This will allow me to focus on my duties as Head Sysop.

    I am also pleased to announce, welcome and congratulate our next Dean of Staff, Henry Saari. Henry has a wealth of experience in Subspace staff management and is a huge asset to TW in this capacity. Please bring him any questions or concerns you have about staff. I am sure he will bring to the role his passion, commitment, good humor, and a sequence of ?go Base games!

    Please take a look at the updated Staff Organizational Chart here.

    Finally, I’d like to thank everyone yet again for their efforts helping to maintain this crazy, wonderful community. No matter the role, at the end of the day, we're all in it together, and it’s incredible that we all remain committed to playing and maintaining this game we so love. So, thank you.

    Happy Pewing.

