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Level 2 v. Level 3 bullets?

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  • Level 2 v. Level 3 bullets?

    Is there a difference between level 2 bullets and level 3 bullets in TW? I couldn't find anything about the settings of TW.

    The reason I'm asking is I was wondering if a base full of lanc bullets is the same as a base full of wb bullets (ignoring multi). Because I heard lancs are the leet new basing ship.

  • #2
    well i would have to say no, there really is no difference between lv 2 and lv 3 bullets except MAYBE a greater chance of a lv 2 bullet being a dud but i dont think that is the case. And lanc are definately not the new l33t basing ship. Sry but they suck at basing, spiders will always be the best when it comes to base defense.

    EDIT: Blue cant type at 4AM
    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that the good do nothing."


    • #3
      L2 bullets do less damage than L3 bullets, leading to an increased dud rate.


      • #4
        the person that said that lancs are the new ship for basing doesn't know anything about basing.
        Ну вот...


        • #5
          I disagree blood. The dud rate is probably more (at least in my experience) with wb bullets than lanc bullets. This is due to the fact that wb bullets are faster.


          • #6
            Well actually id have to say that the warbirds bullets would have a greater dud rate because there is only 1 of them. With a lanc there are 2 to 4 bullets, so there really is no dud rate with the lanc.
            "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that the good do nothing."


            • #7
              Thanks Blood. That's what I was looking for.

              When bullets hit you, they reduce your energy by a random amount. If they don't do enough damage to kill you, that's called a dud. It has nothing to do with how many or how fast the bullets are.

              And also, lancs rule the base.


              • #8
                L2 is WEAKER u dorks. L3 is stronger. dud rate is higher with lancs... the only reason you think that wb bullets have higher dud rate is because of lag.. wat you think is a dud is most likely lag.. eat.. w/e ..

                MODERATOR WARNING: You have been violating female players with sexual slurs! This is against TW rules, Refrain or you will be silenced -Tigerex

                MODERATOR WARNING: Do Not Spam -Dimboy <ER>


                • #9
                  That's what they say in elim. But what do they know?
                  I think duds are there mainly because of random damage.
                  You ate some priest porridge


                  • #10
                    well i dunno, if you have ever spider-terred you would know that the enemy seems to be able to fucking inhale the bullets before dying. they DO seem to do less damage because of speed in that case maybe it has to do with lag. another thing i noticed when the server was laggin yesterday was that not only was i eating shots from lag (or so i heard) but i swear about 5 or 6 true duds did occur on me. it was almost as if the amount of duds correlated with the amount of server lag.
                    Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                    apt>yes u can wtf
                    apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                    apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                    apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                    Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                    apt>ill show you pictures
                    apt>next time I masturbate


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Demolish
                      L2 is WEAKER u dorks. L3 is stronger. dud rate is higher with lancs... the only reason you think that wb bullets have higher dud rate is because of lag.. wat you think is a dud is most likely lag.. eat.. w/e ..
                      I think demolish is right.

                      1:delta> personally, i would not go to war for oil
                      1:FarScape> in age of empires you would
                      1:Freeze> LOL FAR
                      5:waven> freeze
                      5:waven> no one talks to ease directly
                      5:waven> you state your business with sanji
                      5:waven> he will relay it to phizey
                      5:waven> phizey will relay it to me
                      5:waven> and i will talk to ease
                      5:Freeze> LOL
                      5:waven> that's how things work around here
                      1:renzi> freeze theres difference between being wasted and being a waste


                      • #12
                        Aren't duds basically eats =/ ...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by za gophar
                          well i dunno, if you have ever spider-terred you would know that the enemy seems to be able to fucking inhale the bullets before dying. they DO seem to do less damage because of speed in that case maybe it has to do with lag. another thing i noticed when the server was laggin yesterday was that not only was i eating shots from lag (or so i heard) but i swear about 5 or 6 true duds did occur on me. it was almost as if the amount of duds correlated with the amount of server lag.

                          they don't.

                          Perhaps you were just playing in a dud happy arena like ufc, where I guess the wb bullets were weakened because about every 4th shot in ufc is a dud. I was once hit with duds 3 times in a row in ufc while I was flying around.

                          Theoritically L2 bullets should be weaker than L3 bullets, and should dud more, but who knows if the settings actually made the L2 bullets weaker or just the same as L3 bullets or what.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Sufficient
                            Aren't duds basically eats =/ ...
                            Only to the person who shot it.... If I eat, I don't think it hit me, if it was a dud, it hit me but didn't kill me.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by LightlyToasted
                              Only to the person who shot it.... If I eat, I don't think it hit me, if it was a dud, it hit me but didn't kill me.
                              that's right
                              Menno is a 1337 lamer! (5:0)

