The event was a blast! ?go Lasertag got a whit of its own as Webbb <ER> and I put on a show of fantastic lasers and fireworks. TWBot gave us full charges and bursts and everyone got a chance to whitness the show of a lifetime! Players attached to me, they shot bombs from shark - Shrapnel shot off of rocks/tiles and created mass lag
But to all avail, it was great! TK's of a lifetime too! |hehe| Altho, in the end, Don <ER> dared Webbb <ER> to grant Bouncing Bullets, and it rejected us from the server! AHHH!!! We all had a great time though. Thanks Webbb! My friends and I really appreciated it ^_^ I hope you Trench Wars citizens had a great time also ! ! ! ((I also have great new ideas and am working on maps))
This event was dedicated to my best friend Fadark.exe. He helped me through tough situations, Talked to me when it was needed, and watched my back. I thought to myself, hmm.. what could I do to give my gratitude of his actions.. I know! ( read up -
) I hope I could do this next year!
![Big Grin](
This event was dedicated to my best friend Fadark.exe. He helped me through tough situations, Talked to me when it was needed, and watched my back. I thought to myself, hmm.. what could I do to give my gratitude of his actions.. I know! ( read up -