.?go base why we dont have zoners
.?go base already has enough noobs going into it already and they dont get picked for that reason now im not being harsh on noobs i love noobs but they should stick in pub until they are ready to come into the big wide world.
Doing a Zoner for .?go base will only get noobs coming into .?go base and saying how do i play pick me pick me now your assholes why dont you pick me i wanna play i could go on but its already annoying just thinking about it so zoners for base is a bad bad idea.
.?go base already has enough noobs going into it already and they dont get picked for that reason now im not being harsh on noobs i love noobs but they should stick in pub until they are ready to come into the big wide world.
Doing a Zoner for .?go base will only get noobs coming into .?go base and saying how do i play pick me pick me now your assholes why dont you pick me i wanna play i could go on but its already annoying just thinking about it so zoners for base is a bad bad idea.
