EDIT: I won't name names, but i see some really crappy people listed as the best, are you people blind?
The only TWOTIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.
Originally posted by Richard Creager
All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.
Originally posted by Nickname THE BEST GO BASE'ERS DON'T PLAY GO BASE
EDIT: I won't name names, but i see some really crappy people listed as the best, are you people blind?
Exactly why the topic says best players in ?go base and not best basers.
5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
5: Da1andonly> =((
5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
5: Epinephrine> oh shit
I guess since everyone else was being specific, I'll name a few that I usually pick in ?go base. Remember ?go base is differnet from "the best basers" that should belong in another topic, this is for people that play ?go base a lot and I disagree with Nick, I think some of the people that will be kicking better known basers' asses this upcoming leagues are the ones that are playing in ?go base. Look at Spastic ffs, most of them started their basing in #mythrandir/base and they're in the finals.
Anyways here I go.
Terrs: I usually have jack of all trade basers here because there aren't a WHOLE lot of people that JUST terr that play ?go base. If I were to pick pure terrs though, I'd go with Pure Luck, I really can't think of any other pure terrs that play ?go base a whole lot. Brookus plays periodically, but even he doesn't play there all that much. As for other Terrs I'd pick, TSM, Whytefang, Azurus, Whytefang, WPE.
Sharks: Castro, Pred (plays more often then cred does these days), bleen, stab, storage
Spiders: So many to chose from, really anybody can spider that plays ?go base often, so it's all good. I enjoy playing on the same team as Holydude as spider though, he does a great job every time.
Terrier: warportal. You might argue that I'm biased, but having played with this guy for over two years, I can honestly say that this guy knows what he's doing. The only valid argument for not mentioning this guy is that he rarely plays ?go base anymore, and even more rarely terrs. Brookus and Mythrandir on close 2nd and 3rd place.
Sharks: No idea whats happened to Windreaper, but he used to be the undisputed shark master. Really a lot of good sharks around, none of which can be judged by their performance in ?go base. But since this is a thread about the best ?go base sharks, here goes. Once again I have to be biased, and say that I think Miau is the best shark. She's packed with skill, and few other sharks have the ability to adapt to the style of whoever they're sharking with, which really is the most important thing in ?go base, since half of the sharks who get picked have absolutely no idea what they're doing.
Javelins: I'm not convinced that there are any really great javelins left out there. If I had to pick one, it would have to be No one can kill me. He gets the job done, even if he does miss a coupel of shots, and does his lame lineup-shots.
Warbirds: Divine Rides, no doubt about it. This bastard will always be king of the warbird. I haven't seen him play in ages, but it's been a while since I saw anyone be successful in warbird, so I figured what the heck. He deserves this honor. Kuukunen and Randedl on close 2nd and 3rd place for most annoying homo raping my team from behind.
Spider: Really far too many to pick just one. And while some people might argue that a spider is a spider is a spider. I far from agree. There are many aspects to being a successful spider. We (Disoblige) have a lot of spiders who can do the job, so do Pallies. Spastic and Mambo spiders have impressed many this season, and are probably some of the most active ?go basers. I think however they have a while to go before they reach the top, with the exception maybe, of M_M GOD, but he's been around for a while now. Elusive has some nasty spiders, as they proved in the semi-finals against us. If I had to pick just one though, the spider which annoys me the most when I play against him, is Ezo. I don't know why, but he owns me totally, which is probably the reason, I don't know.
Weird ships: Lancaster: sTuPiD-gErBiL who else? The only guy I've ever seen who actually plays this ship seriously, and the worst thing is he's actually good at it.
Weasel: sTuPiD-gErBiL again. Master of weird ships.
Leviathan: Now allowed in ?go base, but the most annoying leviathan in pub is in my eyes Da Farmer!. Don't you ever get tired of being spawned? You can kick this dudes ass all day, but in the end, you'll get bored, and he'll wrech havoc on the base, that's just the way it is. Annoying as hell, but you'd better get used to it, because this guy won't stop.
Hell, that's kind of long. I hope I made some sense.
"Disoblige - It's not just a squad, it's a lifestyle" - BermuDa
jonas, you should really add yourself to the sharks list. i haven't seen any other sharks capable of not just laying mines, but also using them to paint pretty (and deadly) patterns/designs under the base tube. added with my custom exploding blood and guts ship death graphics, everytime i die, i feel like i'm participating in the making of a picasso of BLOOOOOD!
plopp> im not a newbie ok!! im a butterfly waiting to come out of his coon!