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  • #76
    Originally posted by Nickname
    You've been gone like a month tops.
    okay lets see.. Invited to staff 6 months ago.. Stopped even looking at forums a week after.. mm k nice try

    And Awesome.. What you just said was a total waste of time.. it said you shouldnt of been xed you only did one thing wrong? Hell no... They don't x someone for something like that.. You were an ass when you were staff everyone reported you. You had it coming you were just to blind to see over your dreadlocks or something lol

    And Yes i was friends with staflos.. Before i even knew what staff was.. You think i sucked up to you when you were the one i hated the most.. I tryed to get you on my good side so i could get you to stfu. Ever hear this quote "Keep your enemies closer than your friends" Well i think you should look into it. It was atleast 2 years before my freak post. It's "awesome" how thats the only thing you use against me..

    1:delta> personally, i would not go to war for oil
    1:FarScape> in age of empires you would
    1:Freeze> LOL FAR
    5:waven> freeze
    5:waven> no one talks to ease directly
    5:waven> you state your business with sanji
    5:waven> he will relay it to phizey
    5:waven> phizey will relay it to me
    5:waven> and i will talk to ease
    5:Freeze> LOL
    5:waven> that's how things work around here
    1:renzi> freeze theres difference between being wasted and being a waste


    • #77
      Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Awesome
        I got bitched at by other staffers when i changed my name when i was on staff because the public apparently need to recognize who staffers are and trust that they can answer questions or do their job. DoCk> even made a rule or something, only 1 name change MAXIMUM per staff rank per person. But then YoMama!!! and Weaver both hired a lot of completely unheard of people and people like Ice Storm and BAM!!! who i dont see as being trust worthy since they are going around calling everyone in tw newbies and the <ER> there is also abusing in events. So there seems to be some sort of clarity needed in upper staff, but what the hell, who cares.... they dont listen to reason anyways.
        I hate to get you off your 'I'm mega elite' horse. But, to your own admittance, you have only been playing about 2 years, maybe less. I have been playing longer than you, and have know Ice Storm since I started, we even had a squad together. I am not saying he is a good staffer, I'm just saying he's been playing longer than you.
        EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
        cool koen> :)
        PRiMORDiAL> pfft
        cool koen> not because of a bug
        EvoLd> Lol
        Treachery> meh
        EvoLd> why then?
        PubAceR> women in power dont last
        EvoLd> LOl
        toaster oven reviews


        • #79
          Oh, and for your information. Staffers weren't put in place for the so-called elites, since they know everything anyway. Don't they? They were put in place to help the newbies, and people who have been playing the same time as them. So their usage being lower than some people really has no major problem as long as they can do their job properly. Which from what I've seen, can.
          EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
          cool koen> :)
          PRiMORDiAL> pfft
          cool koen> not because of a bug
          EvoLd> Lol
          Treachery> meh
          EvoLd> why then?
          PubAceR> women in power dont last
          EvoLd> LOl
          toaster oven reviews


          • #80
            Originally posted by dimboy2
            I'm just saying he's been playing longer than you.


            • #81
              People that I hate in this thread:

              Ice Storm
              Archangell <ER>
              CrimsonX <ER>
              Harumi <ER>
              Lunar Crescens <ZH>
              ren <zh>
              aphix <ZH>
              beasty <zh>
              Mr. Peanuts
              Winter V@mp!re
              Fit of Rage

              Most of the people between the **'s haven't posted in this thread, but I hate them none the less.
              Jesus Christ on a pogo stick


              • #82
                dimboy, as usual, you didn't post anything of any relevance to the discussion that was going on.

                and ice storm, no, we were never friends... no matter how much you want to believe it. i had to tolerate your ass kissing when i was on staff, thats about it. sorry faggot.


                • #83
                  And yet again Awesome, you haven't read it properly. You said that you were bitched at because you changed your name like a woman changes her shoes. But Weaver hired newbies like Ice Storm who no-one knows.

                  I was pointing out that Ice Storm has been playing longer than you, therefore making you a hypocrite.

                  So, yes it did have a lot of relevance.
                  EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
                  cool koen> :)
                  PRiMORDiAL> pfft
                  cool koen> not because of a bug
                  EvoLd> Lol
                  Treachery> meh
                  EvoLd> why then?
                  PubAceR> women in power dont last
                  EvoLd> LOl
                  toaster oven reviews


                  • #84
                    hey bilbo,


                    • #85
                      spelar du fortfarande bilbo?
                      var, när, varför? :x
                      Originally posted by Tyson
                      There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
                      Originally posted by HeavenSent
                      Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
                      Originally posted by Izor
                      Women should never be working in the first place.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Bilbo
                        People that I hate in this thread:

                        Fit of Rage

                        5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                        5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                        5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                        1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                        1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


                        • #87
                          Are we STILL rehashing the Dimboy-Awesome-Cops storyline again? And now IceStorm's involved?

                          Gawd, this is the worst soap opera ever. You all hate each other and you hate staff too. We got it already. Do something new like get Zeus pregnant or reveal yourself to be Conc's evil twin.


                          • #88
                            I do not hate Cops nor Ice Storm. Neither do I hate staff. You have me misunderstood, the only person I disagree with is Awesome and I'm probably a hypocrite in this, because I'm probably as bad as him but I just can't see it.
                            EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
                            cool koen> :)
                            PRiMORDiAL> pfft
                            cool koen> not because of a bug
                            EvoLd> Lol
                            Treachery> meh
                            EvoLd> why then?
                            PubAceR> women in power dont last
                            EvoLd> LOl
                            toaster oven reviews


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Mantra-Slider
                              spelar du fortfarande bilbo?
                              var, när, varför? :x
                              Spelar gör jag inte, sitter alt tabbad hela tiden
                              Jesus Christ on a pogo stick


                              • #90
                                Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.

