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Give the levis back their reps!!

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  • #16
    then again, nothing can save a levi from a close range wb.
    bringing back reps can't hurt and would make the dull job or piloting a lev slightly more entertaining.


    • #17
      The purpose of removing reps wasn't to make it harder for levis to green... (as you seem to think) it was to make it easier to kill levterrs.


      • #18
        Give the levis thors now, I don't mind, I will be in first pub.

        Thanks Cpt. Guano for Guanobot. Now we have no reason to whine about the levi anymore since it is gone. I been in pub all day yesterday and seen some insane basing. (Mods probably got more work to do with the javs in high density now )

        I guess it's better to give the LT its initial strength back now and make a few more pure pubs, so levis can go being spawned a zillion times and then shoot at an empty base as LT. :P

        P.S: Might wanna do something about people speccing in pure pubs, at one point people on my chats were crying about not being able to enter the one and only pub, and there were about 10 people in spec in that pub.
        Last edited by Zerzera; 09-30-2003, 02:59 PM.
        You ate some priest porridge


        • #19
          New Levi

          Suffice to say LOTS of people hate the levi (and the X)

          How about go to level 2 bombs and increase speed and rotation. Less than jav of course, but make it a medium/heavy bomber versus the super-heavy-piss-people-off-piece-of-crap bomber that it is now. You could still LT, but with far less devastating effect.

          Just another of the endless suggestions.

          Let's at least change the ship once a month or so until we find a good fit.


          • #20
            I wonder what levis will shoot at once people get the drift that they can play free from levterrs in the guanbot pub, which i suspect will locate itself in several pubs in the near future. 1 just gets too full. =]

            Pure pub owns. GG guano.


            • #21
              Goldar, there is no need to change the levi, it can go back to it's old state and die out because all basers will go to a lev-free arena .
              You ate some priest porridge


              • #22
                Zerzera, levi's dying out because they currently suck is exactly why they should be changed. I am just suggesting a change to the ship versus changing to an arena that bans it. The levi in it's current state is why people want purepub. So just make changes to the ship. I have already noticed that in non-purepub arenas, the basing is rapidly declining. Noone wants to fight for a base that just gets rocked 10 seconds later by some LT jerks.

                Otherwise, the levi is phased out. Then everyone hates the X, so it gets the axe. Now even in purepub, people are complaining about the Javelin tk'ing everyone, so I suppose then we will want to do away with those as well. Then I hate the Lancaster, so there's another crusade.

                I just prefer a workable variety, that's all.



                • #23
                  Problem is that alot of people love the levi in it's current (old) state. They have to see it's useless before it can be removed.. otherwise they remember it as something great and always will be bittered.
                  You ate some priest porridge


                  • #24
                    if you read KJW's news post on you'd know whose idea this really was....guano just did the leg work
                    Ну вот...


                    • #25
                      sigh, this 'idea' has been proposed dozens of times. All it took is to make a bot that prevents people to switch to ship 4. No big deal, very fun. But it's not like people have been working for weeks on the concept of 'lev-free' pubs.


                      • #26
                        I'd just like to say the tk'ing in jav isnt the ships fault, it's the new people and the tk'ers fault. So rather than ban the ship just ban the people.


                        • #27
                          Maybe so Myth. But did anyone keep pushing for one? Did anyone decide to do anything? No, not until now.
                          "What is it? Um . . . what do you want it to be?" ?€”Juzba, Izzet tinker
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