Every single person in TW... excluding me does this --> "<3"
whyyyyy!?!?! #$@#@#!
I am going to raise a very important topic that annoys me plenty
whats up with people always copying eachothers cool internet lingo's. I mean why does everyone have to do this! WHY! I am seriously angry!!!!
Other words that annoy me (I do use some to mock the idea)
- Lag
- Lamer
- Newb
- elite, 1337, and other versions
- $
- stfu
- gtfo
- lol
- roflmao
.......and the list goes on
OK some of these words have made their way into my internet speach too, but WHY! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
If you also hate internet lingos please reply saying why you hate them and why you think people use them
If you use internet lingos and like them please reply saying why you like them and why you think people use them
whyyyyy!?!?! #$@#@#!
I am going to raise a very important topic that annoys me plenty
whats up with people always copying eachothers cool internet lingo's. I mean why does everyone have to do this! WHY! I am seriously angry!!!!
Other words that annoy me (I do use some to mock the idea)
- Lag
- Lamer
- Newb
- elite, 1337, and other versions
- $
- stfu
- gtfo
- lol
- roflmao
.......and the list goes on
OK some of these words have made their way into my internet speach too, but WHY! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
If you also hate internet lingos please reply saying why you hate them and why you think people use them
If you use internet lingos and like them please reply saying why you like them and why you think people use them