It's funny but really... most of the guys on cripples do team an insane amount of time and nothing is done about it except eventually they'll be spec'd for a game. I bet half the time when someone is accussed of teaming you look at the squad and it's someone on cripples. Always the same few people.
I'm not saying I'm perfect, I normally don't shoot squadmates, until only about 5 people are left, but I run from them rather than hunt with them
For the record I care moderately about my rank. I try to get respectable records when I play, but I don't care enough to only play certain games, or not play certain games, or ever consider specing for rec or anything like that. Just when I play I try to do well.
Wait so are you saying Rusher is Ruby? I've played against him in elims a couple of times awhile back and he didn't lag at all like Deny so I guess Ruby?
Oops I was thinking of playing against rushed, not rusher. Nevermind.
Beautiful, I just watched 2 cripples players under aliases rush to the upper right corner and let their friend "Tanks" kill them, starting him off with a 15-0 record. Then he spec'd for rec at 18-3. It's just stupid. Why pretend?