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Dim + Cig Smoke = Banned.

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  • Dim + Cig Smoke = Banned.

    I am here to report the severe misconduct of Connection. Today I was banned along with Cig Smoke, I am not sure if Connection banned Cig Smoke too. But it is more than a coincidence.

    Me and Cig Smoke were messing around with PubBot8 in Baseelim. I used the word |\|1gg3r to see if PubBot would pick it up. I recieved a PM from KJW with: KJW> Dim> |\|1gg3r - you should no better. I then apolgised for my wrong doings. However, this does not count as a warning. I'm sure KJW will verify this too.

    Later on, I reported Cig Smoke for posting my co-ordinates.

    I somehow remember recieving a !tell ass of some sort. But staff will have to verify this.

    While still making fun of PubBot8 in baseelim, I freely admit that I impersonated a bot and logged on as PubBot35, I said: And i.d.i.ot. <ZH> will verify this as she was in the arena:
    Said it a few times, then left. Then I started playing baseelim and I get: Disconected from server and find out I have been banned for 3 days.

    I PM connection asking why and he says: Racism, and abuse of ?help. I ask him when I was racist and he says: Under PubBot35.

    I admit I did some wrongdoings in these various logs, but the point remains I WAS NEVER WARNED throughout the course of the hour.

    Adding insult to injury, none of these are worth a 3 day ban, Quoting the TWBan manual written recently by Overstrand:

    Bans for racism - It is a simple matter to deal with this. Give the perpetrator two warnings and if they
    don’t stop then ban them for one day.
    1st Offence ban time – 1 day

    Bans for impersonation - If someone is wearing a tag without actually being on staff give them two warnings to either take it off or face a 1 day ban. Also, use the same procedure if someone is impersonating a moderator. 1st Offence ban time – 1 day
    Being a first offender myself, If I should be banned at all, it should be for one day. Not 3. And as the bang manual clearly states I must be warned twice for racism which I was not.

    If I have missed anything out, please inform me since I do have alot to write, also if someone could give me the Ban Complaints email, I'd be greatful.

    Last edited by Dim; 10-14-2003, 10:00 AM.
    EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
    cool koen> :)
    PRiMORDiAL> pfft
    cool koen> not because of a bug
    EvoLd> Lol
    Treachery> meh
    EvoLd> why then?
    PubAceR> women in power dont last
    EvoLd> LOl
    toaster oven reviews

  • #2
    *thunk thunk* nope your balls did'nt drop yet, thats just the sound of my tapping your head.
    Rabble Rabble Rabble


    • #3
      Originally posted by wark <ZH>
      *thunk thunk* nope your balls did'nt drop yet, thats just the sound of my tapping your head.
      I'm afraid the fact that I am 13 does not change that I was banned wrongly, Wark, you are going to have to bring up a better arguement than that.
      EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
      cool koen> :)
      PRiMORDiAL> pfft
      cool koen> not because of a bug
      EvoLd> Lol
      Treachery> meh
      EvoLd> why then?
      PubAceR> women in power dont last
      EvoLd> LOl
      toaster oven reviews


      • #4
        O_O i didnt know the rule dimy

        but to add on to that and i dotn got screenshots bc mine happend liike an hour b4 the bann

        dimboy told me about this here pubot thing and id idnt belive him so i went in and said "pubbot is a niqqer" just to see what i'd do which i knwo is connectino comes in and warns me..all good fine...taht was the last racist thing i said bc i knew i was warned...i didtn know i get 2 warnings so i used .?help saying pubbot is a homo which got me a warn for abusing help which is all good and dandy

        then after that about 30 mins go by..that is when iw as doin the cords on dimboy which again was wrong but i didnt get warned or todl by any staff in arena about it..there were lots of <ZH>/<ER> in then pubbot35 i think? which was dimboy comes in and says that stuff he posted above i forget what it was...and left rite away...then on a chat of mine someone was saying "ima hack the server" maybe jokingly...i wont give out names on here...but since i was banned last week for supposidly the same thing (7 days) i reported him figuring he'd be punished to...well i did it once..and i asked him if he got warned bc i reported him..he said no so i did it again and i didnt get an !tell ass or i stoped it after them 2 and iw as in baseelim takling to british <ER> in pms and not even takling in caht and next thing u see im dont get me wrong i also did alot of wrong thigns in this time but i only got warned 1 time for racist which i never said nething after it again..then i got warned for abusing help which i didnt do again cept for something seroius like hacking the server which i consider serious...and its a 3 day bann also same as i dont mind dealing w/ a 3 day bann or whatnot..if its done rite...but this is BS now and im sick of this shit just bc i abused help a few tiems b4 dont mean i dont have a logical say...not to mention he didnt inform me i was banned till i asked someone to find out


        • #5
          Racism - 1 day
          Impersonating staff (Pubbot) - 1 day
          Abuse of help - 1 day

          Lol, I don't know why you got 3 days, but you guys were surely asking for being banned to get to post it here.

          Dimboy and Cig smoke as partners in crime, who would have guessed.
          You ate some priest porridge


          • #6

            Hmmm odd I can remember someone tried !warn dimboy !warn cig smoke and robohelp was like "These ppl already been warned" that's still not the issue.. because.. like kjw said.. off all the ppl playing this.. you should know not to do this.. and still.. u want a warning.. that's wack.. i'll check if i can get a screen shot of this...

            Anyways.. Cya later

            GreetZ Pred
            Under <ZH>> pred i want to taste your man juice!!!
            Originally posted by Cig Smoke
            Pred > JRA > the rest of u


            • #7
              Originally posted by Zerzera
              Racism - 1 day
              Impersonating staff (Pubbot) - 1 day
              Abuse of help - 1 day

              Lol, I don't know why you got 3 days, but you guys were surely asking for being banned to get to post it here.

              Dimboy and Cig smoke as partners in crime, who would have guessed.
              No, honestly, I don't want to be banned. If I did, I would have done something blatenly like Teamkilling. But the fact is I don't.

              <3 ZZ.
              EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
              cool koen> :)
              PRiMORDiAL> pfft
              cool koen> not because of a bug
              EvoLd> Lol
              Treachery> meh
              EvoLd> why then?
              PubAceR> women in power dont last
              EvoLd> LOl
              toaster oven reviews


              • #8
                Re: Warning

                Originally posted by Predator Rulez
                Hmmm odd I can remember someone tried !warn dimboy !warn cig smoke and robohelp was like "These ppl already been warned" that's still not the issue.. because.. like kjw said.. off all the ppl playing this.. you should know not to do this.. and still.. u want a warning.. that's wack.. i'll check if i can get a screen shot of this...

                Anyways.. Cya later

                GreetZ Pred
                Thanks, the only !warn I recieved was from Wark <ER>, and to this moment, I still do not know why, perhaps you can find this out for me too pred?
                EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
                cool koen> :)
                PRiMORDiAL> pfft
                cool koen> not because of a bug
                EvoLd> Lol
                Treachery> meh
                EvoLd> why then?
                PubAceR> women in power dont last
                EvoLd> LOl
                toaster oven reviews


                • #9
                  as i posted predz i was !warned for calling pubbot a homo i said that...but then i wsa reporting someone for saying they wer gonna hack the server that isnt abusing help/cheater

                  then why is mine 3 days zz? i wasnt racist cept to pubbot 1 time and even if connection wants to bann me for abusing help it was only 1 day for that


                  • #10
                    For one cause you should know better indeed as staffer Dim. Since you were suspended you've been crossing the line everyday and trying to push your limits. This was bound to go wrong somewhere, you finally crossed the line today and were rightfully banned for that. Now go figure it out for yourself.
                    Retired SSCU Trenchwars Head Sysop

                    1:24> they'd rather add afks than me
                    24 is in for Freq 1 as a Warbird.
                    1:M_M God> gg

                    help: (renzi) (Public 33): is it possible for a washing machine to cause a wireless connection to lag?

                    Candy King, -C4L-


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dimboy2
                      something blatenly like Teamkilling.
                      something blatenly like pretending to be a staffbot
                      something blatenly like using help for other things than valid questions
                      something blatenly like saying N-words in front of staff(bot)

                      You ate some priest porridge


                      • #12
                        if u cant understand my wordage here it is simple

                        1)called pubbot a niqqer
                        2)warned by connection for racism
                        3).?help pubbot is a homo
                        4)!warned for that

                        bout 30 mins go by
                        5)used .?cheater reporting someone for threatening to hack the server
                        6) did it again bc nothing was done once again
                        7) was talking to british <ER> and playing baseelim and got disconected/banned

                        thtas the basics of what i did


                        • #13
                          zerz i think what he was saying is if he wanted a bann he would of went to a pub w/ a jav/levi and teamkilled bc 1) its more fun 2) its quicker 3) its ezier to get banned that way and i totaly agree with him


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                            then why is mine 3 days zz? i wasnt racist cept to pubbot 1 time and even if connection wants to bann me for abusing help it was only 1 day for that
                            I wasn't the person that banned you so I can only guess, but I think with your history and former statements you are lucky it is only 3 days.

                            Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                            if dimboy dont come back to staff im having all 30+ memebers on cripples spam help then evade and spam help again till he is rehired. dimboy i'd only do this for u tho
                            You ate some priest porridge


                            • #15
                              LOL ya did u get 30 members or any other members of cripples abusing help? lolz and if we were gonna abuse it for dimboy it'd be about dimboy not abouta server hacking

