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How To Help Pubs

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  • #16
    On a terr who can warp and who have a wb flyng around them, they practically are..


    • #17
      One of the saddest things that I see now is the complete removal of the levi from hosted basing. When I hosted I allowed one levi per team at most, and your team is always free to spawnkill/hunt the the other levi. Having one levi in a hosted basing environment adds another dimension to an otherwise boring (sry it's true) game. Doing so actually gives the weasel a purpose.

      As for pubs, meh who cares, they've sucked for years and they'll keep on sucking.
      'vet' is the new 'newb'.
      sit ez vet, sit.


      • #18
        Pubs are for the new comers of tw to play and just enjoy the game.
        2 time TWLD runner up.

        If not a medal, cant I get a Ribbon??


        • #19
          Or for those of us too jaded for the other arenas.


          • #20
            The only way to stop levis is to spawn them.. making the base a fat watse of time.


            • #21
              Go forth and spawn

              I noticed in warzone today there was a surprisingly high amount of leviterrs so i spent 5 minutes as a cloake in the spawn area


              • #22
                Levs are part of basing. It is what makes Trenchwars what it is. For the last 2/3 (?) years, levs have had the same settings, lets keep it that way.


                • #23
                  Worry about a new map beefwhore you worry about the levterring. If it weren't for those goddamn MICKEY MOUSE EARS and the overall shape of the flag room, levterring wouldn't be anywhere near as effective.
                  jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                  • #24
                    Re: Re: Leviathans

                    Originally posted by Tobe

                    Thats the point of basing...if in leagues the best basing team and the worst basing team are going at it the bad team wouldnt give up and bring in a levi (which they cant anyway) they still try to get through with "normal" basing ships, thats the whole point of basing - teamwork, not one ship doing the work of 8 people.

                    In leagues thats another story unto its self. But in pub it's all about a free for all, some hold flag, some try to get flag and some just hang out on roof or entrance pickin people off. I have been on freqs where the same 12 people held base for like ever. that may sound like fun to you, but I got bored as hell, that I wished someone one would get a LT and break up the boredom, cuz I knew that the other freq had as much chance as a snowball in hell did of getting the flag. plus it makes for more of a challenge. Now you not only have to have people in base, you need some to be outside of base. which makes for a more enjoyable game, and keepin' a challenge intact. So they should come up with a way to make it just 3 freqs , 2 basin freq and 1 LT freq, my thinkin' is if you have a set freq for LT then they also have a chance to teamkill themselves as the other 2 pub freqs do. since they can't go private and only have 1 levi and 1 terr, and not have to worry 'bout team killing. That may also slow the LT ,now that they have to worry about team mates as well.

                    also note that the 2 teams basing, are not usaully the ones that have a LT flying around , its a private freq LT. but I am still in favor of those to break up the boredom.
                    The Earth does not belong to us, We belong to the Earth. * Chief Joseph *

                    Oen Izan> I am the KING of NEWBS! self appointed but still a king, none the less.

                    Oen Izan> Bow before me and kiss the scepter, you may get to view the royal jewels.

                    :chris: "Captain! There's a steering wheel sticking out of your pants!"

                    :pirate2: "Arr, it's drivin' me nuts!"


                    • #25
                      I brought up an idea about a year and a half ago when uneven freq sizes was a problem, but I think it would help now as well. I say that a smaller arena size (say 25 people) would make for a more competitive basing pub. With a smaller arena size, private freqs can exist without making the size differential between freqs unmanageable. Levis would proportionally be fewer by at least one (in the average case) and the freq sizes would be smaller, nearing the numbers of TWBL roster sizes. This would intensify the action. As it is, there are too many people not flagging, but with a smaller arena size, there would be proportionally fewer non-basers and basers alike, but the number of basers would still be enough to have a competitive time while the fewer non-basers (ie spawners and leviterrs) would be fewer and less of a hassle.


                      • #26
                        Lev terrs shouldn't be allowed, only base levis are fine.. Maybe make it so Levis can attach only once? to the base terr... Sorry, im drunk now, maybe i can suggest a more coherent thought after im sober...
                        Corn + Tomatoes = <3


                        • #27
                          Try this before to see if it works:

                          Only allow 3 frequencies. 0, 1, and 2.

                          Frequencies 0 and 1 would stay as they are. Ghz 2 would become the Lev-Terr freq. Have bots incorporated to restrict Leviathans from attaching to Terriers unless they are on Ghz 2. It would be like the pirate frequency.

                          To restrict players from taking the base or having people easily defend the Lev-Terr, restrict any ship (excluding the Leviathan) from attaching while on Ghz 2.
                          Praise "Bob"

                          la música


                          • #28
                            That x-trench level oens!
                            The base is centered in the map and both pub freq sapwn on diffrent sides. To get to eachother they have to go to base.
                            How that would work with priv freq, no idea...
                            There's no place like


                            • #29
                              Please keep your images appropriate Annux. -FLaBiN

                              Was it too big? I can resize my lego porn
                              Last edited by Annux; 08-06-2002, 11:01 AM.

