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This is a game for god sakes, not the pentagon!

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  • #31
    aah, hte power of ?log.

    I have log set in auto, and by alias-date

    i.e. ?log Jerome-Nov-03.txt

    change out logs periodically or else they become too much of a hassle to be of use, monthly makes them about 5-6 mb or so

    if you ?changed your pw, just type ?logbuffer. If you havent logged, it will save your contionuum session onto either session.log or a name you specified, i.e. ?logbuffer newpassword.txt

    edit: for the bozos here who have actually changed their password--and forgot it, i think you deserve the 2 hour kick. I mean, my password is the name of an asian i know, so its easy to remember but impossibly complicated for anyone who wanted to guess my password. Even a simple "1" between your password will throw off the attempted hacker. like if your password was "elite", "and you had eli1t3e", it would make it hundreds of times more harder to crack

    you guys might want to head over to to read up on this. Catid, ExplodyThingy, Mr. Ekted, platinum-halo all post there--Catid is always trying to hack the server to exploit bugs, ExplodyThingy makes bots, Mr. Ekted helped make continuum (granted he only made the menu interface, but he was able to view the open source), and of course plat-halo runs SSC
    Last edited by Jerome Scuggs; 11-25-2003, 12:49 PM.

    internet de la jerome

    because the internet | hazardous


    • #32
      Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs
      for the bozos here who have actually changed their password--and forgot it, i think you deserve the 2 hour kick. I mean, my password is the name of an asian i know, so its easy to remember but impossibly complicated for anyone who wanted to guess my password. Even a simple "1" between your password will throw off the attempted hacker. like if your password was "elite", "and you had eli1t3e", it would make it hundreds of times more harder to crack
      Here you are just rambling on about nothing, first you say your password is a password of an asian you know.. I'm sure your asian isn't named "Telo5chi". I have no problems making good passwords that can't be cracked, but thanks for the run down.

      Unlike you with your asian you know as your password for probably all your names. I like using a different password for almost every one of my main names, the others I don't care much about. But since we're talking about "coder" here.. I figured it needed a new password.. I changed the pw and started talking to an old friend that poped on and easily forgot about it.


      • #33
        Why dont you just use one name?

        internet de la jerome

        because the internet | hazardous


        • #34
          Originally posted by Awesome
          If someones main name had been hacked, they can use ?lostpassword. Simple as that. Name traders getting hacked? i'm sorry but i have no sympathy. Trade at your own risk.

          Wrong again, there are many people that have their "main name" that don't have their e-mail attached to it. Unless they were around during the setting phase they too could do nothing about it. You can say "Name traders getting hacked? I'm sorry but I have no sympathy". But in truth you know nothing about how I came about this name. A guy begged me for over an hour just for one of my squads so I finally gave in since he was giving me "coder", and got the guy off my back since he didn't seem to have anything worth wearing. Trading at my own risk has nothing to do with forgetting the password that you set on that name.


          • #35
            Originally posted by kiDDos
            YAH! change that shit! 2 hours? wtf pos sob afk brb kfc 911 wtf 143.
            HAHA! What's up Kiddos!! I didn't know you were on forums =)
            RaCka> how can i get you here
            death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
            RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
            death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN


            • #36
              I know this thread is old, and I apologize for re-hashing it. But now i'm in the same predicament like Code was in. I forgot the PW's to one of my names, and now I feel like i'm basically banned. I mean "try back in a few hours?" That's a fucking joke. God forbid I entered a few PW's, trying to relocate my name. Silly.
              RaCka> how can i get you here
              death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
              RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
              death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN

