you know how in like some zone's every one is in like one arena.. like just one pub 0, i think we should try it, have some 600 players in one arena. all fighting each other.. that be cool.
Would never work. For one thing, there would be so much lag that almost everyone would lag out, and 2nd of all I'm fairly sure that there is a hard limit on the number of people that can be in one arena.
I was curious does anyone know the current # of players in an arena limit (before we see major lag effects)?
I noticed when I went to some events... like i played that Maze City (AvenDragon map) afew days ago. There was like 50-60 players in the arena... 50 warbirds all in one place..... as we moved, i saw lag effects... short delay...then every one jerks..moves...
Perhaps the 35 player limit for pubs has been carefully thought out a long time ago.
In order for 600 players in one arena to occur, perhaps the TW Server would have to be faster and everyone would have to have fiber optic SONET maybe in the future.....
Another thought, if the server had a pub arena where with a strict minimum average ping time limit for players entering; this may boost past the 35 player limt...
It would be fun though, before I played this game for the 1st time I thought it could handle that...but thought...ah it might be slow then.... later I found out, all the players are in many arenas... Keep in mind I found out about this game from a good dutch Xpilot player, for some reason he likes Xpilot more still... i never went back to
Forget pub, try 600 people in elim. I like to see someone get a century kills. Elim would work a little bit better b/c more people would be spread apart compared to pub. In pub im sure 500 out of 600 would be in the base. WW5 does fine hold 150+ ppl, the problem is how many people are on your screen/radar at one time. You get 50 people concentrated in one spot like in those event races and there is tons of lag. Oh, and everyone would have to be silenced or else those chats would be flooded with 'NOOB. I PWN U. STOP SPAWNING ME LAMER."
5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
5:royst> i wish it was calculus
1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something
1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead