Originally posted by A DeCoY?!?!
wouldent someone have to move to a new location to get a new ip address?
how does ddos work, this looks like a serious crime and theres probably some kind of way to get the perpetrator and notify the cops, fbi, cia, nsa whatever and get justice!!
i havent played in a year, i just got off punishment, AND NO TRENCHWARS,
by and by, is the new setting to the weasle in effect still, any other new changes?
wouldent someone have to move to a new location to get a new ip address?
how does ddos work, this looks like a serious crime and theres probably some kind of way to get the perpetrator and notify the cops, fbi, cia, nsa whatever and get justice!!
i havent played in a year, i just got off punishment, AND NO TRENCHWARS,
by and by, is the new setting to the weasle in effect still, any other new changes?
You would also traceroute your "prey machine". Finding an IP range gives you IP's for potential victims.
Once you have netBIOS access you can simply log on and place your program.on the victim's machine.
From there, you can call all your hosts (hosts=0wn3d machines = bots) and make all your bots send ping packets to the target machine or host.
That's all about bots. Most of the time it will be difficult to trace the actual attacker because he is using machines that he has access too.
IP address can change if you change your ISP. Doesn't really matter where you live. If you change providers your IP will change. Some hackers might say they are safe if they have dynamic IPS but all a system admin would have to do is block your host.
About the weasel, I think the only difference is that you dont have a repel and the ship is small. =]
Got to love the weasels