sigh... why do you hope that bounty killer? its doesnt even effect you, there are plenty of pubs to LT.
Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
apt>yes u can wtf
apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
apt>so i dont miss the toilet
Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
apt>ill show you pictures
apt>next time I masturbate
If u want to lev or LT then fine, there are plenty of places to do that. But the main thing TW has over other zones is decent basing. With levs the scenario usually goes........
- 2 ppl being levs and trying to green
- 2 ppl trying to keep those levs safe
- 2 terrs waiting to LT or greening
- 2 ppl try to kill the other freqs levs
- 2 ppl being killed by the levs on other freqs
the end result is that what otherwise would be a good team turns to shite.
no levs, game = fun
with levs, game = waste of time
Golden, your scenario is fair enough most of the time.
However, why most of the time I lev there is 4wbs, 2 spids, and a terr or two swarmin around laming me lol..thaqt menas the other pub freq is prolly shite basing wise..heh anyways heres mah point>
If my pub freq (which is ALWAYS 0) is shit quality in basing because they are helpin me and spawin' etc..
Means that the flag is gonna be hella juicy with tards waitin for a base attack, and my team wont be in there for me to get any level 3 damage on them. Also I may take out some priv freq rebels tryin to get flag glory as well!
I've been told that I only play to spoil others fun..I never thought bout it that way
LOL. Who cares? Ez kills in lt. What are u retarded?
Listen, everyone is entitled to my opinion. Not to be mean or anything, but you're an illiterate dipshit. i can smell my eyeballs! My non-existent team will r0xx0r j00r b0xxx0rs!!1 It's cute how you think this is a democracy. 8,323,352,236,536,235,233,456 C00li0 P0ints!!1 Shit bitch damn ass cocksucker motherfucker tits!
St00bie = Stupid N00bie
L00tard = Retarded L0ser
Crampon = Crusty Tampon
Last edited by Fatal|ty about 150 times because he can't fucking type.