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New basing map

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  • New basing map

    ...not sure if this is the best forum for this post but hey ho...

    After seeing the "success" of the Christmas map, I thought I'd have a go at mapping and try to create something with a similar style of gameplay to the TW pub map, i.e. basing mostly, but that was a bit different (sometimes I get bored with the TW pub map and the other zone options aren't great)

    So came up with the map below-

    The main idea is to encourage basing and maximise the different ways the base could be attacked/defended to keep it interesting.

    Its supposed to be a castle ("castlewars"??...) and there are two flags - blue flagroom (higher value) - red flagroom (lower value).

    It would have pure pub ship settings. The aim would be to control both flags at the same time (a terr in each flagroom maybe?) but most of the time would probably be spent with different freqs having each flag (close enough to see who had the flags, who was there, see the whites of their eyes and shoot the shit out of them).

    An attacking freq (2nd, 3rd or 4th freq) would probably have to set up a stronghold in one of the four other rooms before attacking a flag so the whole idea of the map is that, whatever you're trying to do, you pretty much have to attack and defend at the same time and work your freq from room to room until you have both flags.

    I could go on (e.g. there's a safe zone between the flag rooms - for a reason) but I'm getting away from the point of this post. I've tested the map out for shots and i think its pretty good but I'm a techie newb as far as ss goes so don't really know how to take this further.

    So I'd like to hear what anyone thinks of this and how I might get the map hosted (or at least hosted for a short time so ppl can try it out). Probably lots of ppl make maps so any pointers to information on it would be helpful as there doesn't seem to be much around - websites?? Could do with a mapping forum?? Who can i ask questions about this kind of thing?


  • #2
    Nice red x's... Village Photo doesn't like us...


    • #3
      having problems with the ppl hosting these images... pls let me know if u have problems and i will try to find another host.


      • #4
        lol. I always wanted a base like a red X. VillagePhotos are shite. Do u know anywhere better i can put these? er quickish?


        • #5
          make like two bases give one to each teams
          HURTING NEWBE S SINCE 1894

          a typical newbe control officer and newbe shit-shat

          newbe control>hey newbe wanna fight?
          newbe>no.....ok fine ....only one kick in the ass happy?
          newbe control>love to


          newbe>that wasn't fair that was three kicks ......i want my mommy..


          • #6
            host a site at comcast for your pictures, thats what my squad has done, for supporting our forums with all the sigs, and avatars, and its really fast and ez to do, or you could host it at freewebs,
            ÛñD@úÑ7è[) {+NtF+}
            Like a diamond, OUR game has no FLAWS!

            British <E> lagged push ?
            Utoom> double teamed
            Random Sho> SPAWNED!
            TranceTune> errrr
            THE PUSHER> naw..even worse
            THE PUSHER> stoned


            • #7
              im in the middle for an even idea, and am making a base if you need ideas contact me
              ÛñD@úÑ7è[) {+NtF+}
              Like a diamond, OUR game has no FLAWS!

              British <E> lagged push ?
              Utoom> double teamed
              Random Sho> SPAWNED!
              TranceTune> errrr
              THE PUSHER> naw..even worse
              THE PUSHER> stoned


              • #8
                Originally posted by ÛñD@úÑ7è[) {+NtF+}
                host a site at comcast for your pictures, thats what my squad has done, for supporting our forums with all the sigs, and avatars, and its really fast and ez to do, or you could host it at freewebs,


                • #9
                  trying freewebs, hope this works. If not, i'll try tomorrow as it's late.



                  • #10
                    niiiiiiiice it worked, gj - good suggestion eh? lol :P good work
                    ÛñD@úÑ7è[) {+NtF+}
                    Like a diamond, OUR game has no FLAWS!

                    British <E> lagged push ?
                    Utoom> double teamed
                    Random Sho> SPAWNED!
                    TranceTune> errrr
                    THE PUSHER> naw..even worse
                    THE PUSHER> stoned


                    • #11
                      Wait, I'm not clear about something here. Are you proposing this as a hosted event or as another theme map to use in pubs?


                      • #12
                        Er.. well its not really an "event" so i guess its a theme map. Don't know really, just would like to see how this kind of thing plays. Spent a lot of time basing in pub and just think this would br cool.

                        Not v. coherent at the moment.


                        • #13

                          I don't know what good having 2 flags would do in a pub, in terms of encouraging basing. It's already hard enough to get people to go after one flag and I think it'll be harder to get enough people to go after two. Sure people might think it's pretty cool, but that's mostly just the novelty factor. After that's over, the only ones still interested in going after the two flags will be the ones that already base and feel like the extra challenge. Having two flags might also dilute the bonus there is in having the flag, rendering it even more insignificant to regular non-basers.

                          With 1 flag, pubs are split evenly so that you either have one or you don't. Right now, what happens is that one team has the base and regular non-basers might help defend it. Once they lose the flag, they stop helping. With what you're proposing, I can only see that getting worse with more freqs not having either flag for extended periods. Heck, if you have just 3 freqs, you're guaranteed to have 1 team without one. If you had a situation where 2 teams each have one flag, you'll likely have an apathetic third freq. The two teams that do have the flags will then be too thin to mount an attack on the other to get the pair. Right now, we have 2 freqs of an optimal of 15 ships each. Likely only half of each will base, meaning 7 or so per freq basing. Once again, those are optimal likely values. Throw in a third default freq or two and those teams will be even smaller.

                          I don't mean to come across as being too negative on your idea, but if the intent was to maximize basing, I cannot see how this will do anything but dilute it. This map doesn't reach out to those players who don't regularly base and a second flag won't make them want to base more. Those for whom this map would appeal more to are those who already base regularly.

                          One thing I do like (because I don't want you to think I hate this map, I think it looks pretty good, just not as a pub map) is that the flag rooms are virtually entire bases on their own. The rest of the base is large and roomy enough for a lot of good action. You might want to think about having the two flag rooms open out in different directions though, maybe left and right towards the sides. Having them both open upwards gives it a very static look and also overloads too much of the action to the top half of the map.


                          • #14
                            I don't agree with your idea about attackers using the four corner rooms as strongholds to set up an attack. I see a lot of terrs try that now, staying in the corner towers or the lower walls, waiting for their freq to attack the flag room.

                            It's a losing strategy because the terrs are too far away. If an attacker and a defender both die at the same time, respawn and attach to their terrs. The defender has the advantage because he'll be dettaching close enough to the position he wants to be while the attacker has to take a few seconds longer only to see the defence already set up. Plus, those terrs are easily cornered in their strongholds turning it around so that the attacking team winds up having to defend their (flagless) mini-base.


                            • #15
                              I can't really disagree with any of your points troll king. My main concern about this map has been that to base in it properly would take quite alot of organisation and team work. It may also take more people per freq than is normal in pub to do well, i.e. to hold both flags. (Don't think the max. no. of ppl per arena can be increased in TW but not sure about that).

                              But in pubs u can still get good, organised teams together, esp. in pure pub. And even freqs with small numbers of people could probably hold one of the rooms. Anyway, most of the ppl who like basing like a challenge

                              Guess it could be an event with 2,3,4 squads playing, that would be fun.

