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Medieval Madness / DragonQuest are back!

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  • Medieval Madness / DragonQuest are back!

    Hi everyone! This is Harumi <ER> with some exciting (well, to me at least) news. After receiving my old macro from Left Eye I decided to resurrect glavitik and I's old game: Medieval Madness.

    For those of you who have never played, it's a RPG themed basing game usually played in 'oldtrench2' or 'camelot'. I recommend you download those maps as they will be used in several future events.

    Also, while I was hanging out after a Medieval Madness game, we had some fun supercharging the levi's but leaving weak spots that several ships could take advantage of if they all fought together against them. DragonQuest was born!

    DragonQuest pits 2-4 L60 Blue Dragons (Yes, I like D&D related stuff) against a whole host of humans. Soldiers, Wizards, Rangers, everyone has to rush the castle to save the Princess from the clutches of those very very well armed beasts. I've seem upwards of one dragon claiming 124 lives. However, they only get 1 so if you can get rid of all of them in 5 minutes, you can save the princess.

    Response for the games has been overwhelmingly positive, but of course improvements can be made. If you have any suggestions or comments, please email me at: or post them here. If you absolutely despise these games, please ?go base and enjoy yourself.

    I've posted the rulesets for each game below for your reading pleasure! Have fun!
    Medieval Madness

    *In the lands of the Kingdom peace reigns under the Good King. Yet, there are those would usurp his throne and see the crown atop their own heads, and thus begins...
    * Medieval Madness! The clash of titans, as the noble forces of the castle defend against the siege layed about by the merciless Duke and his Earl.
    * As the noble King you merely need to hold your castle for 15 minutes until the armies of your loyal vassals arrive and annihilate the upstart traitor!
    * But as the Evil Duke you must lay siege to the castle, sieze the Holy Grail, kill the King, and hold the castle for 5 minutes -- Only then will the vassals of the Kingdom swear fealty to you!
    * The power of the Kingdom is mystical indeed - for it provides 10 lives to each inhabitant. But, only through the power of the Holy Grail. Should the Cup be stolen, and the King killed... the King shall never rise again.
    * Now every person has a duty, and certain unique skills. But the most critical thing to understand is that there is a maximum number of each skill type available:
    * King/Duke (1): Lancaster, Queen/Earl (1): Terrier, Knights (4): Javelins, Archers (4): Spider, Artillery (2): Leviathan, Spy (1): Weasel, Magicians (1): Shark, and Infantry (as many as necessary): Warbirds
    * Please note that it is not necessary to fill up every skill type! In fact, you could have a bachelor King with an army of warbirds and be perfectly fine (well, until the Duke got there).

    Simplified ruleset:

    ** Medieval Madness Rules: You may not change ship types after the game begins, no teamkilling, and no portal dropping before the game begins.
    ** Game Layout: The timer begins at 15 minutes when the game starts. If the King can hold the castle for 15 minutes they win. The Duke can also win by having castle at the end of 15 minutes.
    ** However, given the Duke's task is difficult if his forces can capture the Grail and *then* kill the King, a 5 minute timer begins (whoever has Grail at end of this timer also wins).
    ** The King: Like the Duke, the King has 10 lives, *but* if killed when his team doesn't have the Grail -- he is out of the game.

    * The story is thus: Evil Blue Dragons (levis) have kidnapped the Princess of the Realm! They are holding her hostage in her own castle after destroying everyone else.
    * But help is coming from the neighboring kingdoms as knights, wizards, and warriors rush to the aid of the Kingdom for a chance at the Throne.
    * RULES: Game is 5 minutes long. The humans can only have 1 terr and no levis. To win you must kill the dragons before the time is up. Should you fail the dragons will become invincible and eat the Princess. The horror!

    If you have any questions, ask away! Thanks!
    -Harumi <ER>

  • #2
    midevil madness is sweeeet
    Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
    apt>yes u can wtf
    apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
    apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
    apt>so i dont miss the toilet
    Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
    apt>ill show you pictures
    apt>next time I masturbate


    • #3
      I asked Harumi to marry me. I was slapped quite hard. I kinda liked it.
      Ünited Stätes Toughens Image With Umlauts WASHINGTON, DC—In a move designed to make the United States seem more "bad-assed and scary in a quasi-heavy-metal manner," Congress passed a bill Monday changing the nation's name to the Ünited Stätes of Ämerica. "Much like Mötley Crüe and Motörhead, the Ünited Stätes is not to be messed with," said Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK). An upcoming redesign of the Ämerican flag will feature the new name in burnished silver wrought in a jagged, gothic font and bolted to a black background. A new national anthem is also in the works, to be written by composer Glenn Danzig and tentatively titled "Howl Of The She-Demon."

      -->CLICK HERE!$!$!<--


      • #4
        Originally posted by za gophar
        midevil madness is sweeeet
        camelot is a cool map.


        • #5
          Originally posted by THE PUSHER
          I asked Harumi to marry me. I was slapped quite hard. I kinda liked it.
          omg you too?!
          HuMMeR> I bathe in my own dissappointment


          • #6
            hi who is harumi aka?
            TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
            TelCat> hoes get paid :(
            TelCat> i dont


            • #7
              Rei iii

              P.S. Dungeon and Dragons is gay.


              • #8
                Save a tree; eat a beaver

                1:Mefesto> king let me say you something
                1:Mefesto> you are a soon of a biatch with retarded face like nostra damus and you got a hump on your dick



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Evasive
                  Dungeon and Dragons is gay.
                  ^^^ My new sig i wasted 10 minutes of my life making! W00tz for mE! :D:cool:

                  I am Plasma.

                  Last edited by abrasion about 150 times because he can't fucking type.


                  • #10
                    I played one of the games, i'm no sure which one, i think your Dragon game - twice, and we won both times within seconds. (if the game takes more time to fly into the base than it takes to kill them, the game is to easy)
                    The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                    Originally posted by Richard Creager
                    All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.

