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  • Twtd

    Okay me and E_Mex were in a private arena called #basing. Its regular pub map but you dont respawn, you stay where you died. Well we had super fun with terrs for like 45 minutes of non stop fighting. So imagine 4 on 4 like that. I know its a stupid idea and it will never be used but I dont give a shit.

  • #2
    For somthing like this to work you would have to figure out some type of twist. And also stop spawning... It has potential.


    • #3
      Yeah I know what you mean. Terr duels should be in tight enclosed spaces so bursts are actually worth using. Then there is the spawning problem. Maybe terrs should be able to attach as long as they have full energy. That might solve it. Hmm a twist....maybe something like every green gives you either a burst or a portal and as far as the play goes the map could be made for lots of corners in it almost like a place you wanna lure the enemy into so you can let a burst go in the corner.

