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Question on the twirly red lights in twtown

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  • Question on the twirly red lights in twtown

    Are they supposed to be animated doors? Because in the twtown there are a few houses that use them, and they never disppear, so you can't go through them...

    Is it supposed to be like that? Cause when I put some on a map and hosted it on a test server, they disappeared.

    Also, if they are supposed to disappear, is there a way to make them -not- disappear? :P

  • #2
    Hmmm, doors can be lowered by an ER but normally they stay up and just...flash.


    • #3
      It's in the settings.
      I have stopped swimming in the rock pools a few days ago. Now instead of 40 minutes swimming, I substitute it with 40 minutes power walk - usually on the beaches or around the cliffs. Nothing beats burning the fat in the cold wind. Colon minus pee.


      • #4
        i think its sorta cheap how some people *cough* matorian *cough* have doors on their houses....

        i wanna poopoo in your pottie

