Just wondering what the average age of people is on the SSCU TW server.
Amazed at the general banality and vociferousness of peoples messages!
Kill someone and you're either a "newb" or a "laggin whore" or some other chosen tag. Spawn killing, teaming and general lameness seem to be the order of the day. I mean, come on the lag is bad enough without all of this crap!
I've even had people private message me in games with threats against mine and my families health and wellbeing.
Just for the record I'm a 30 year old who's been playing Subspace on SSCU TW on and off since 1998 so if I'm a "newb" I'd hate to think what that makes some of you (probably not long out of diapers).
Amazed at the general banality and vociferousness of peoples messages!
Kill someone and you're either a "newb" or a "laggin whore" or some other chosen tag. Spawn killing, teaming and general lameness seem to be the order of the day. I mean, come on the lag is bad enough without all of this crap!
I've even had people private message me in games with threats against mine and my families health and wellbeing.

Just for the record I'm a 30 year old who's been playing Subspace on SSCU TW on and off since 1998 so if I'm a "newb" I'd hate to think what that makes some of you (probably not long out of diapers).