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So who has been with Subspace since the beginning?

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  • #31
    i am a veheterahan and i've played around 56 years, boy i remember back in the day it was submace, we clubbed eachother and hid in them caves.. boy do the times change


    • #32
      omg, this topic is growing from a how long have you been playing subspace topic to a freedom fight of people who enjoy masturbating and are not afraid to admit it!! topic


      • #33
        Originally posted by ÆNIMA
        Omg, how did you know my old nick? Hmmm... Could it be you WWII_vet9463869826?


        Heya old buddy! Long time no see!
        6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

        Originally posted by Dreamwin
        3 league vet


        • #34
          Originally posted by Zeta_burn
          you probly dont even have a postive rec. Go eat shit.
          Originally posted by abrasion
          my rec in pub is like 700-300, and i dont even play pub.

          OH OH PUB RECS, my first time playing SS in a long time my rec at reset was 6074 8328. Witch means I have more kills then both of you. Owned.
          Juice "Oh my god, when I encounter authority, they just give me more pills. I take the pills and then I'm not so... so anxious to be against authority because I'm... I'm... I'm on the pills."


          • #35
            death3d, if you are death[3d], weel, you know me! you played with my priv teams before! dont be such a dick or next time i wont get you! and 700-300? oooh! im almost impressed! any spawnkiller could have that. you can tell whos good if they have high w:L ratio AND a high rating. i was #28 for rating last time i played. i will be on again saturday, if you really wanna see how weak and feeble you truly are, abrasion.

            iM Da NuMbA 1 b> i love spamming bot
            iM Da NuMbA 1 b> :S
            DuelBot> Score: 10-6
            iM Da NuMbA 1 b> put midgets back into midget porn!!!
            DuelBot> You have defeated 'abrasion' score: (10-6)
            iM Da NuMbA 1 b> what do we want?! midget porn! when do we want it?!
            Xx-Vash-xX> i hate his ass
            abrasion> LOLOL
            abrasion> GG
            iM Da NuMbA 1 b> lool
            iM Da NuMbA 1 b> gl
            DuelBot> b4k4^2 is challenging you to a Warbird duel. PM me
            with, !accept b4k4^2 to accept. (UNRECORDED DUEL)
            DuelBot> Rules: First to 10, No Count (nc) Double Kills, Warp
            On Deaths
            Ken.> not bad..

            abrasion> i congratulate u on winning

            Ken.> kiss ass


            • #36
              oh lol! most post are funy heree, some just dumb. wow, you have some 5000 kills to some 8000 losses. i consider you cannon fodder. LOL @ 'submace' thats so friggin funny! and i play 2-3 times every 2 weeks. it is a damn fun game, it could even be a drug its so addicting.

              iM Da NuMbA 1 b> i love spamming bot
              iM Da NuMbA 1 b> :S
              DuelBot> Score: 10-6
              iM Da NuMbA 1 b> put midgets back into midget porn!!!
              DuelBot> You have defeated 'abrasion' score: (10-6)
              iM Da NuMbA 1 b> what do we want?! midget porn! when do we want it?!
              Xx-Vash-xX> i hate his ass
              abrasion> LOLOL
              abrasion> GG
              iM Da NuMbA 1 b> lool
              iM Da NuMbA 1 b> gl
              DuelBot> b4k4^2 is challenging you to a Warbird duel. PM me
              with, !accept b4k4^2 to accept. (UNRECORDED DUEL)
              DuelBot> Rules: First to 10, No Count (nc) Double Kills, Warp
              On Deaths
              Ken.> not bad..

              abrasion> i congratulate u on winning

              Ken.> kiss ass


              • #37
                Originally posted by Zeta_burn
                oh who made it... you must mean jeffP... and that other guy, i forget his name... ya, i knew them, but i had a different nick name back then, it was like dhole or something.

                (edit: Was the other guys name)


                • #38
                  zeta sounds like he's 9, he was a smart 2 year old when he started. good job man, u are my idol allready just keep up the good work!


                  • #39
                    Zeta burn, im not even fucking kidding. what is your nic INGAME?

                    Im gonna love hunting your newb ass.


                    EDIT: now that ive read your previous posts, ive come to realize exactly how retarded you are. Let me explain.
                    Originally posted by Zeta_burn
                    death3d, if you are death[3d], weel, you know me! you played with my priv teams before! dont be such a dick or next time i wont get you! and 700-300? oooh! im almost impressed! any spawnkiller could have that. you can tell whos good if they have high w:L ratio AND a high rating. i was #28 for rating last time i played. i will be on again saturday, if you really wanna see how weak and feeble you truly are, abrasion.
                    Do u even have the slightest clue what RATING means or how its calculated? Its the dumbest thing, besides you, to have been ever introduced into subspace. Rating is one hundred percent pointless.

                    Rating = (PointsFromKills * 10 + (Wins - Losses) * 100) / (Wins + 100)

                    So figure it. 28, my friend, sucks ass.

                    GG faggot.
                    Last edited by abrasion; 02-03-2004, 11:31 AM.
                    ^^^ My new sig i wasted 10 minutes of my life making! W00tz for mE! :D:cool:

                    I am Plasma.

                    Last edited by abrasion about 150 times because he can't fucking type.


                    • #40
                      And on that note....Blue team owns.
                      ^^^ My new sig i wasted 10 minutes of my life making! W00tz for mE! :D:cool:

                      I am Plasma.

                      Last edited by abrasion about 150 times because he can't fucking type.


                      • #41
                        lol abrasion! rating is the way t go... you said it yourself. points has little to do with it, really. MY NAME IS FUCKING Zeta-burn in game dumbass i told you once already. i might be on saturday, just look for the erson that talks the most shit.... youll find me.Only because i can, and theres nothing anyone can do. or ever does. whats your name, dooshbag?

                        iM Da NuMbA 1 b> i love spamming bot
                        iM Da NuMbA 1 b> :S
                        DuelBot> Score: 10-6
                        iM Da NuMbA 1 b> put midgets back into midget porn!!!
                        DuelBot> You have defeated 'abrasion' score: (10-6)
                        iM Da NuMbA 1 b> what do we want?! midget porn! when do we want it?!
                        Xx-Vash-xX> i hate his ass
                        abrasion> LOLOL
                        abrasion> GG
                        iM Da NuMbA 1 b> lool
                        iM Da NuMbA 1 b> gl
                        DuelBot> b4k4^2 is challenging you to a Warbird duel. PM me
                        with, !accept b4k4^2 to accept. (UNRECORDED DUEL)
                        DuelBot> Rules: First to 10, No Count (nc) Double Kills, Warp
                        On Deaths
                        Ken.> not bad..

                        abrasion> i congratulate u on winning

                        Ken.> kiss ass


                        • #42
                          I care about pub recs
                          FIRST you pillage, THEN you burn.


                          • #43
                            lol. abrasion, you crack me up, your permanent state of PMS is rather funny.

                            iM Da NuMbA 1 b> i love spamming bot
                            iM Da NuMbA 1 b> :S
                            DuelBot> Score: 10-6
                            iM Da NuMbA 1 b> put midgets back into midget porn!!!
                            DuelBot> You have defeated 'abrasion' score: (10-6)
                            iM Da NuMbA 1 b> what do we want?! midget porn! when do we want it?!
                            Xx-Vash-xX> i hate his ass
                            abrasion> LOLOL
                            abrasion> GG
                            iM Da NuMbA 1 b> lool
                            iM Da NuMbA 1 b> gl
                            DuelBot> b4k4^2 is challenging you to a Warbird duel. PM me
                            with, !accept b4k4^2 to accept. (UNRECORDED DUEL)
                            DuelBot> Rules: First to 10, No Count (nc) Double Kills, Warp
                            On Deaths
                            Ken.> not bad..

                            abrasion> i congratulate u on winning

                            Ken.> kiss ass


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Dark Commando

                              (edit: Was the other guys name)

                              Jeff Peterson programmed the game with his friend Rod Humble who worked at VIE and developed it with Jeff. Juan (forget the last name) developed the graphics for Subspace.

                              The beta test started on March 1996. Although I wasn't there, enough people who WERE there at the time have confirmed this as the true date so that I'm sure it's true. Considering Sniper was developed using DirectX for Windows 95, there is absolutely no way this game has been in existance for more than 9 years, the amount of time Windows 95 has been around.

                              Of the people I know who were there back then, the oldest guy I still see around is probably Mixman who pops in from time to time and sometimes in Trench Wars

                              As for computers 50 years ago, they had them. Alan Turing developed the first modern electronic computer (ENIAC I think it was called) during World War II as a way to decypher and break the German Enigma code. What could be considered the first modern 'PC' was concieved and created as least in a working concept at Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) in 1972 I believe, putting PCs squarely in existance 30 years ago

                              Back then the ships were mostly the same (although still slight differences) and very similar settings to those can still be found in all zones designated "SVS" (Standard VIE Settings), such as SVS Warzone and SVS Chaos Zone.

                              Oh and I haven't been around since the beginning but getting ready for my 7th anniversary very soon! So scary.

                              Last edited by Epinephrine; 02-03-2004, 02:05 PM.
                              Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                              My anime blog:


                              • #45
                                when i first played it was on windows 3.11. windows 95 was not out yet....

                                iM Da NuMbA 1 b> i love spamming bot
                                iM Da NuMbA 1 b> :S
                                DuelBot> Score: 10-6
                                iM Da NuMbA 1 b> put midgets back into midget porn!!!
                                DuelBot> You have defeated 'abrasion' score: (10-6)
                                iM Da NuMbA 1 b> what do we want?! midget porn! when do we want it?!
                                Xx-Vash-xX> i hate his ass
                                abrasion> LOLOL
                                abrasion> GG
                                iM Da NuMbA 1 b> lool
                                iM Da NuMbA 1 b> gl
                                DuelBot> b4k4^2 is challenging you to a Warbird duel. PM me
                                with, !accept b4k4^2 to accept. (UNRECORDED DUEL)
                                DuelBot> Rules: First to 10, No Count (nc) Double Kills, Warp
                                On Deaths
                                Ken.> not bad..

                                abrasion> i congratulate u on winning

                                Ken.> kiss ass

