Jesus Christ Cig. He talked about how it would be inconvenient for him to stop his download, and how him using Bit Torrent is merely bending the rules and not breaking them. It was obvious that he was sincere. Bringing up an anecdote about how you jokingly said you were lagcheating is not relevant to what happened in this case.
And no investigating needed to be done, Overstrand was in the arena the whole time the guy was saying this stuff.
Calm down killer i agree with u if he was cheating he should of been banned, and banned quickly. I wasnt there to witness him laggin, him sayig thos things or to see if overstrand was watching. All i am saying is that ur making a HUGE deal over how overstrand handled it and i agree to the extent of he should of been banned and banned fast, but i also see it from overstrands point where he took his time to make sure everything was rite b4 he did something. Maybe in this case he should of acted fast, but i think that its an example that all mods should look @ when they are thinking about banning someone, many cases mods just overreact bann someone then it gets removed, or its a wrongful banning that stays. I again agree with u on them certain points, but i think it wasnt all that bad.