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So my games don't die completely.

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  • So my games don't die completely.

    Well as you all know, I was one who liked to create variations on games already existant in TW, and I personally think that they were pretty fun for everyone, so in the spirit of giving, I am going to list the games I made up so that perhaps future staff can host them if people want them hosted.

    Chocobo Ranchers -
    Hosted in : Baseelim2
    This game is pretty simple, you make about 1/3 of the players in the arena wb's (ranchers) and the other 2/3 of the players javs (chocobos) and you have them battle it out to ten deaths, then at the end you compose a short story or rhyme based on the outcome of the game.

    Mission Tanks -
    Hosted in : Tanks
    You divide the player into two teams, and go on each teams freq to give them a mission of your own design, be it escorting a general around the edge of the map, or holding an enemy flag for five minutes, the possibilities are endless as long as you have a little creativity.

    Turretwarz Tanks -
    Hosted in : Tanks
    Divide players into four teams, and specify a terr, make him a ship a different color from all the others so you can make sure they are staying attached to the proper terr, put 15 minutes on the clock and let the chaos begin, highest point total at game over wins.

    Threesomes -
    Hosted in : Deathmatch
    This was one of the games I just recently invented, it is sorta like multi-freq deathmatch but with a twist, you get everyone to get into teams of three, but if any of the teams three people dies during the course of the game, the other two players also lose the game, the first full team of three alive wins the game. Spec at 10.

    Enigma Zombies -
    Hosted in : Enigma
    This was a rather popular zombie game that I sorta mixed with enigma, it turned out rather well. The problem was, spiders can't move, so you have to make the zombies turn into wb's as well. When you start the enigma bot it puts everyone on the same freq, so have macroes ready to start the zombie bot and change the players to spiders right afterwards. Give the humans 15 seconds to get into the maze before releasing the zombies. Towards the middle of the game, when there are a few more zombies, ask two of them to be guardians on the other side of the maze to guard the flag, makes it a bit more fun. When a human touches the flag on the other side, humans win, otherwise zombies win when all humans are dead.

    Zombie Balance -
    Hosted in : Balance
    Another fun game with the same problem as enigma, spiders can move into wormholes without getting sucked in, so again zombies have to be warbirds, other then that, its standard zombies, humans can run down any tube and try to hide, at game over, humans have to make it into a safe zone in the circular center of the map. Other then that all safes are off limits.

    Zombie Turretwarz -
    Hosted in : Turretwarz/Turretwarz2/Turretwarz3
    In this game, you make one terr with everyone on it as warbirds, then another terr with two spiders on it. Make sure you pick good terrs, or the game will be a bust.

    Deathmatch Turretwarz -
    Hosted in : Turretwarz/Turretwar2/Turretwar3
    To host this game you have to be a pretty quick typer, and also be pretty good at noticing when people get to certain kills with the f2 menu. You divide the people into two teams, and then you decide on 1. how many kills you are going to. 2. How many deaths between upgrades. Let me give you an example. You get specced with 25 deaths, you start in a spider, at 25 kills you get promoted to a wb, at 50 kills you get promoted to a lancaster. Don't forget to scorereset the terrs eventually. The first team to eliminate all the other players from the other team minus the terr wins the game.

    Hosted in : Tournament
    Now this I must say is my ultimate creation, I tried to host it once and failed, any staffer brave enough to try to handle this game, well you are a better host then I am. As you know there are 15 boxes in Tournament, Start the game with two captains, who put two players in each of their 7 boxes. At the start of a caps turn he can put in two additional units into any box in his control. Now say a captain wants to attack an enemy box, he can move all but one of his units (have to have one in a box that you control at all times) into an enemies box, where they will duel for control of the box to 1. That is pretty much like the random dice roll. The first captain who has all the boxes wins. Good Luck hosting this one.

    Zombie Warzone -
    Hosted in : Warzone1-3 or Octabase
    Have the humans choose a base, and give them a terr, warp them all into the base of their choice, their goal is to have atleast one human remaining in the base at the end of the 12 minutes,
    Zombies also get a terr on their team, now if the humans pick a particularly hard base, you might want to add a jav or a shark for a minute or two to help them out, but say its some sort of Zombie mutation, you have to give a reason or the players will get mad :P

    Infection -
    Hosted in : Infection
    This game turned out to be semi-popular mostly because I made it fun not because it was exactly a fun game or anything. First off instead of zombies in virus's you can choose from several different choices that I did, Including - STD's Drug's and Virus's
    The goal of the game is for the white blood cells to defend the brain against the Virus's for 15 minutes, any white blood cells left alive at the end win the game.

    Most of my other zombie games are pretty much just starting the game and you can figure them out on your own, so instead of writing a detailed article about all of them I will just list them to you to save us both the trouble of reading and typing.
    Zombie Starcon
    Zombie Wormhole
    Zombie Twisted
    Zombie Thorlob
    Zombie Spheremaze
    Zombie Mazetown
    Zombie Maze
    Zombie #pacman
    Zombie Raceball
    Zombie Art
    Zombie Glider
    ZOmbie Tanks

    Anyways, this is'nt all the games I know, but a few I am saving for the off chance of me becoming staff again, so you will have to wait and see, if you have any questions about how to host or need help hosting any of these games before mentioned feel free to ask me as Renge. Anyways, I just don't want these games to go to waste, I spent alot of time and effort making fun and enjoyable games so that the people of TW could have fun.
    Rabble Rabble Rabble

  • #2
    grr missions in still mad when you said somebody won when they lied and said they killed the person and you believed them it was still awesome anyway


    • #3
      I'd like Risk to happen again.
      Failure teaches success.
      . â–²
      ▲ ▲


      • #4
        Originally posted by Kim
        I'd like Risk to happen again.
        You've played it before? Was it fun!??! :-) I've never seen it hosted :-/


        • #5
          wark give a list of the "how to host" stuff to a current smod or something and they'll post it in the staff files for all staffers to see

          wark4ER again please


          • #6
            Originally posted by Awesome
            [Bwark4ER again please [/B]
            Yea let people who want to host host as long as they still have the will to do it.
            5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
            5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
            5: Da1andonly> =((
            5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
            5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
            5: Epinephrine> oh shit


            • #7
              watch me do risk. muhahahhaa, i shall be a better host than wark!


              • #8
                Post a thread announcement so I know when to play it
                Failure teaches success.
                . â–²
                ▲ ▲


                • #9
                  meh it was a nice attempt to host risk archy :P....

                  meh warky :P


                  • #10
                    That game would be awesome. o.o
                    Jacklyn> i'm not here right now, leave ur phone number address and directions to your house, where you keep your money and what time youre not home and i will get Right back to you


                    • #11
                      I think I got it. but I'm gonna take it in a whole 'nother direction. I'm gonna combine Risk, Dungeons and Dragons, and ?go ufc.

                      The Gameplay of Risk
                      The Dungeon Master of D&D
                      and the arena and gameplay of ?go ufc.

                      This will work.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Awesome
                        wark give a list of the "how to host" stuff to a current smod or something and they'll post it in the staff files for all staffers to see

                        wark4ER again please
                        EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
                        cool koen> :)
                        PRiMORDiAL> pfft
                        cool koen> not because of a bug
                        EvoLd> Lol
                        Treachery> meh
                        EvoLd> why then?
                        PubAceR> women in power dont last
                        EvoLd> LOl
                        toaster oven reviews


                        • #13
                          You sure have a lot of new ideas!
                          I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Adeon
                            That game would be awesome. o.o

                            mehehe it was but it took to long and i waited there for a long time and i had no fun at all :\


                            • #15
                              Arch, you did a good job getting everything setup quickly and everything, but you did make a few mistakes that made the gameplay way too slow.

                              First of all, you needed to put everyone in from each freq into the boxes you gave the captains, that way, any player could attack any box and win it.

                              Second, you only let people do 1v1 duels, in Risk, you can attack with all but one army so, if one box attacks another box and the attacker has 5 and the defender has two, the attacker can send up to four players to attack the defending two, that makes it a little bit more strategic.

                              Other then that though, you did a great job, you have more patience then I have ;P

                              oh and one more thing

                              Super Crazy Burst Game
                              Hosted in : Baseelim2
                              Put everyone in as terrs on seperate freq's, and prize bursts every one second, spec at 10. Sit back and watch the mayham, While making smartass comments on *arena ;P
                              Rabble Rabble Rabble

