Well, this is odd.. This is the 4th time this problem has occured for me.. See, its odd because it happens everytime i reformat my computer, My isp "Lag spikes," With ss the s2c will go from 0.1 to 20.0 without warning, and its not just ss it affects, but downloads, other games, programs, anything requiring an internet connection, it will only spike for a few seconds, but when it does its so bad that anything im doing requiring internet normally closes.. See, i bought this computer a year ago, its a compaq presario, when i first bought the computer i got set up and everything, dled continuum and ran it, thought i would chill in tw for a bit, meh, it spikes me out.. i get the warning:disconnected from server message, it does this ever 2 minutes or so.. well, i put up with it for a long time, and i got this virus, mcafee couldnt uninstall it, and it was slowly ruining my already shitty computer, i was getting dl speeds of like 200 bytes per second :-x, so, i reformatted my comp, and as a bonus, i thought it would fix this annoying lag problem, well, it didnt, but after a few months i had noticed the lag spiking had completely stopped, but i didnt remember changing anything, anyways, i was realllly enjoying this lag free connection (when i say lag free i mean spike free, anybody thats ever had aol knows that it ALWAYS lags) when i received this nasty little virus that deleted a windows file that was crucial to the computer, and all of my virus removal files, and kept me off the internet.. so i couldnt dl anything to uninstall it, and had to reformat,(same thing 2 times) now the problem is occuring again and im hoping some of you might know how i can fix it, im using a Lucent Win modem (now known as agere i think) but ive updated to the most recent driver i think, any ideas would be great...
Edit: Also, I have 2 other computers, neither of them are doing this.. they are on aol and just err.. lag really bad
Edit: Also, I have 2 other computers, neither of them are doing this.. they are on aol and just err.. lag really bad
