ok guys, my parents call me up and tell me they unplugged their PC because it smells like burning plastic. i sigh, and head over to check it out the next day. I get there and they opened it up in search of something burnt or whatever, but turned up nothing. So i dust it out and clean things up and start searching for anything broke/burnt and suddenly i realize a piece of the motherboard nestled on the video card.
ok now, the motherboard is the following
an epox board, had no problems ever..you see the 4 heatsink looking things in between the CPU slot and the AGP slot? Right above the mobo model # in the graphic..appear almost white.. two things are facing up, two facing right. well the top left one in that picture was nestled ontop of the video card. I tried to see how it fell out and if i could put it back..apparently it isnt a snapon part
so what the hell is that thing? and can i fix it? i mean i built the computer and all,but have built only a few and dont consider myself an expert. redoing the entire thing is gonna strain some wallets and time..whats the verdict?
ok now, the motherboard is the following
an epox board, had no problems ever..you see the 4 heatsink looking things in between the CPU slot and the AGP slot? Right above the mobo model # in the graphic..appear almost white.. two things are facing up, two facing right. well the top left one in that picture was nestled ontop of the video card. I tried to see how it fell out and if i could put it back..apparently it isnt a snapon part
so what the hell is that thing? and can i fix it? i mean i built the computer and all,but have built only a few and dont consider myself an expert. redoing the entire thing is gonna strain some wallets and time..whats the verdict?