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Windows XP Program Grouping

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  • Windows XP Program Grouping

    you guys know when you have like a bunch of word documents (for example) open at once and XP automatically groups them all together.

    what i wanna do (if possible) is make it automatically group all instances of a program if there are even 2 (or more) of it open at once.

    i got like lots of torrents downloading right now and i got a pretty big resolution and they wont group together and it's just quicker if you can get them to group automatically so i can get to the other programs im actually using a lot quicker without even thinkin about it.

    any help would be appreciated,
    thanks :up:

  • #2
    sorry meant to post this in technical support... it's nearly 2 AM, guess im not thinkin clearly. feel free to move it wadi/zeus/any other forum mod.

    my mistake


    • #3
      Right click on the taskbar at the bottom. Hit properties. Check "Group similar taskbar buttons".

      I hate that feature though. If you're using a lot of torrents you would be better off using a multi-torrent client like ABC.


      • #4
        that feature is already selected... it just does it when u have too many programs on ur taskbar... it doesnt automatically group when u have more than one instance (with extra space left over)

        thanks though


        • #5
          if you get Tweak UI, you can configure such settings and more.

          once you install it go to Taskbar and Start Menu --> Grouping

          from there you can choose to group least used applications first, or to group applications with the most windows, or to group any application with at least X windows (Default is 2).

          i'm bored


          • #6
            thanks eRad, i'll try that :up:

            nah, dont need any bittorrent clients.. i got a wicked alternate version of bittorrent that the brother of one of my friends tweaked. i just wanted to group em all on the taskbar without having to wait for xp to do it automatically.

