My OpenGL displays get sliced, I'm using a Radeon 9000 or 9200. I'm most likely behind on a catalyst update, but this has been going on for a while, and I don't think catalyst will help.
Any ideas, gentlemen?
OpenGL is a 3d rendering thing like DirectX accept it has no support for sound.
but I have no idea whats wrong though.
Like, there was this ninja who got
ticked off at some people who kept
talking while he was trying to rock
out on his guitar, so the ninja totally
flipped out and sang at them till
they all exploded!!! (true story.)
I'd help, but mine hasn't worked for a year or two. I uninstalled a hack for counter-strike and opengl decided it was going to quit working no matter what I do. you could try redownloading opengl32.dll from I dled it from there and it still didnt work, but it might fix your problem