Originally posted by jappeuuuh
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Ok you want to learn C++!!
You have to learn some facts about programing before starting programing with C++ right away... C++ is a object oriented language wich means that it uses a diferent paradigm wich is not the easyest one for someone starting to learn how to program...
If you dont know how to program i sugest that you start first by learning a "simple" language as scheme, C, or basic. Of those i would sugest scheme as although it is a language used to develop some advanced stuff you can use it easely to learn has you dont need to allocate memory manually as in C "if you dont know what this is just forget it" but since you want to learn C++ probably you could start by learning C as they have a "similar" or mybe a somewhat related syntax. after you know the basics of programing you should learn what is object oriented programing... some books that explain C++ also explain what object oriented programing is... and you could learn object oriented programing as you learn using C++... this would probably be the best way i think... after being familiar with the synthax you could delve more in the object oriented programing paradigm by learning some neat tricks called design patters... tthis are some "recipes" of how to make programs its similar to a mathematical formula...
About bibliografy to all this... well since my main language is not english i guess i can't advise you well enough on this but i used some of these books and they proved quite good...
Design Patterns elements of reusable Object-Oriented Software
by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vissides
from Addison-Wesley - this one is for design patterns.
Object-Oriented Programming
by Peter Coad, Jill Nicola
from yourdon press computer series - this one for learning C++ and oop
The C programing Language, 2nd edition (ansi c)
by Brian N. Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie (those are the creators of C itself)
from Prentice Hall - every programer has a copy of this book...
there might be some books to teach you C and basic programing but i can't help you in there because i read those some time ago and they were not written in english...
.edit. here i asked some colleagues about a good book written in english about C++ they gave me this one...
C++ Primer, third edition
by Stanley B. Lippman Josée Lajoie
from Addison-Wesley - i have the book somewhere although i still haven't read it my colleagues like it!! ./edit.Last edited by Arikel; 03-14-2005, 06:54 PM.A kiss is a rosy dot over the 'i' of loving.
Cyrano de Bergerac
Originally posted by Arikel...
C++ isn't a true OO language. It's more of a hybrid. Basically it's an OO extention to C, which is a procedural language. Therefor the OO design/architecture of C++ is not optimal, because it forces OO constraints onto a procedural language, and that can be the cause of some major headaches.There's no place like
Originally posted by Fallen AngelC++ isn't a true OO language. It's more of a hybrid. Basically it's an OO extention to C, which is a procedural language. Therefor the OO design/architecture of C++ is not optimal, because it forces OO constraints onto a procedural language, and that can be the cause of some major headaches.
I have made a OO module for C and for Lisp... you can program in a OO way in any language... some are easyer to do it some are more difficult...
Programing in a object oriented way is just a way for you to program extensive programs and to elaborate extensive code dependencies that would be otherwise to complicated to manage... it would be nightmarish to do some of the works i have done with java with C... besides it would take ages... lol and trying to read other persons code in C... ouch i hate it! it's worse when its obfuscated C bah...
What you said is true... C++ is not like Java for example who has its own virtual machine and all those stuff we love in it... or hate in it as the trash that the interpreter puts in your code...C++ wasn't born for OO paradigm but it has it's uses...
Last edited by Arikel; 03-14-2005, 07:38 PM.A kiss is a rosy dot over the 'i' of loving.
Cyrano de Bergerac
Originally posted by ArikelJesus...
Ok you want to learn C++!!
You have to learn some facts about programing before starting programing with C++ right away... C++ is a object oriented language wich means that it uses a diferent paradigm wich is not the easyest one for someone starting to learn how to program...
If you dont know how to program i sugest that you start first by learning a "simple" language as scheme, C, or basic. Of those i would sugest scheme as although it is a language used to develop some advanced stuff you can use it easely to learn has you dont need to allocate memory manually as in C "if you dont know what this is just forget it" but since you want to learn C++ probably you could start by learning C as they have a "similar" or mybe a somewhat related syntax. after you know the basics of programing you should learn what is object oriented programing... some books that explain C++ also explain what object oriented programing is... and you could learn object oriented programing as you learn using C++... this would probably be the best way i think... after being familiar with the synthax you could delve more in the object oriented programing paradigm by learning some neat tricks called design patters... tthis are some "recipes" of how to make programs its similar to a mathematical formula...
About bibliografy to all this... well since my main language is not english i guess i can't advise you well enough on this but i used some of these books and they proved quite good...
Design Patterns elements of reusable Object-Oriented Software
by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vissides
from Addison-Wesley - this one is for design patterns.
Object-Oriented Programming
by Peter Coad, Jill Nicola
from yourdon press computer series - this one for learning C++ and oop
The C programing Language, 2nd edition (ansi c)
by Brian N. Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie (those are the creators of C itself)
from Prentice Hall - every programer has a copy of this book...
there might be some books to teach you C and basic programing but i can't help you in there because i read those some time ago and they were not written in english...
.edit. here i asked some colleagues about a good book written in english about C++ they gave me this one...
C++ Primer, third edition
by Stanley B. Lippman Josée Lajoie
from Addison-Wesley - i have the book somewhere although i still haven't read it my colleagues like it!! ./edit.
Originally posted by D1st0rtOh god, don't use iostream. I don't think you can truly learn a language like c++ from scratch in 24 hours
I learned that much of c++ the day before I started college. I signed up for an intro to programming class, but I thought it assumed you knew something about programming. So I read the first 4 chapters of our text book the day before classes started (because I thought I was going to be behind everyone else). Well, needless to say, I didn't hafta study for the first half of the semester because they walked you through everything step by step. LOL.
Originally posted by D1st0rtOh god, don't use iostream. I don't think you can truly learn a language like c++ from scratch in 24 hourshelp: (how do i shot) (Public 0): how do i travel diagonally? i only have up, down, left and right keys.
4:PinkSTAR <ER>> ask DP he knows me inside and out
Originally posted by jappeuuuhdon't you HAVE TO use that in the code? In the book 'c++ for dummies' the code always begin with #include <iostream.h> and then you have something like main (int [variable], char*, zsCHAR[]) or something like that.
Well iostream is the C++ I/O library for handling standard in- and output, error output and file I/O. Some people still use the older iostream.h library, even though that's been deprecated for some years now (although it was never a standard header, so technically it can't be considered deprecated). The problem with iostream is that it isn't backwards compatible with iostream.h, so you can't use it in legacy code, unless you care to refactor it completely. Other than that I really don't see why you shouldn't use the iostream library for basic I/O.Last edited by Fallen Angel; 03-16-2005, 06:41 AM.There's no place like
iostream is for retards. If you wish to display something to the screen then you use printf or find some other alternative that is better. You don't have to do anything in programming: there are no header files that are required. You could write everything yourself, and do input and output by making bios subroutine calls. You also dont need to start your program with int main (int argc, char **argv), you can start it with int main() or with void main() but it all depends on your compiler. C++ books start off with iostream because it makes things easy at first and doesn't discourage the reader.
C++ is a very easy programming language to learn.
I started with pascal (haha)
and then went to C++
then to java
1:delta> personally, i would not go to war for oil
1:FarScape> in age of empires you would
1:Freeze> LOL FAR
5:waven> freeze
5:waven> no one talks to ease directly
5:waven> you state your business with sanji
5:waven> he will relay it to phizey
5:waven> phizey will relay it to me
5:waven> and i will talk to ease
5:Freeze> LOL
5:waven> that's how things work around here
1:renzi> freeze theres difference between being wasted and being a waste
Originally posted by Sleepy WeaselJust learn C. No one actually uses C++.
Originally posted by Ice StormC++ is a very easy programming language to learn.