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Windows re-install help

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  • Windows re-install help

    I recently installed Windows XP on our home computer but the computer isn't fast enough to handle it. Can I install windows 2000 or '98 without losing "My documents"? I have no cd-writer to make a back-up and I really need all those documents. Please let me know how, ty very much!

    from cundor

  • #2
    The best way to do this is to partion your drive and have either the Profiles directory or My Documents on the second partition. Windows installers aren't usually too helpful in doing this though. And it doesn't help you too much now that you already have everything installed on one partition. But it something to consider since you are doing an install now.

    Other than that, I don't think there's a way to install without losing your documents. You'll have to figure out a way to offload to another computer. A usb drive is easy if it's big enough. If you're networked you might share the folder, ftp, etc.


    • #3
      right click 'my documents' and compress the whole folder into a RAR file.

      then use gmail and send it to yourself, using their webspace to hold it until u reinstall and can download it back.
      thread killer

      Also who changed to pw to Squadless, how am I supposed to fly the banner of sucking at the game


      • #4
        When I was doing my GCSEs, nearly all of my coursework was stored in My Documents.

        Right before I had to hand in my coursework I discovered that I had a virus or something that had corrupted one of my WINDOWS system files.

        The only thing I could do was reinstall Windows. I was worried that My Documents would be overwritten in the process, so much that I was nearly sick. Anyway, after installation had finished, I went into the Documents and Settings folder and discovered that it hadn't overwritten My Documents but made a different one with the prefix of the name I chose for my computer like 'PEANUTS-My Documents'. My original My Documents folder was still intact.

        To get to the point here, you might be ok.


        EDIT: Edify- go to My Documents and right click it. Go to properties and check the size of that bitch. Gmail only lets you have 10mb attachments, but I suppose he could use the Gmail harddrive thingy.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mr. Peanuts
          EDIT: Edify- go to My Documents and right click it. Go to properties and check the size of that bitch. Gmail only lets you have 10mb attachments, but I suppose he could use the Gmail harddrive thingy.
          my old computer's was about 25 megs. right now its pretty empty cuz the computer is new. you could upload it onto a file server!
          thread killer

          Also who changed to pw to Squadless, how am I supposed to fly the banner of sucking at the game


          • #6
            Buy a new hard drive and make your current hard drive a slave from the new one..

            Use your W2K on the new HD and use the slave HD to retrieve your files you did not want to lose. Always nice to have a HD for just storage and crap.

            If you have the monies.. just buy a new computer and add your current HD as a slave to the HD w/the O.S. on it.
            May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.

