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Harddisk crash

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  • Harddisk crash

    My harddisk crashed for the 2nd time in 3 months, anyone have any ideas what could be wrong or just bad luck?

    The harddisk was in both cases a 160gb western digital. Also it was the harddisk where I have installed Windows XP and any programs on, as well as the download map for BitTorrent which I use quite a bit. The max connections per torrent I have set at 60 and I pretty much never have more than 2 torrents running at once.

  • #2
    what happenes if your hardisk crashes; how do you fix it?


    • #3
      What do you mean by crash here? Head crash maybe? Then the only thing to do is to buy a new HD.


      • #4
        Originally posted by NaiLed
        what happenes if your hardisk crashes; how do you fix it?
        I go to the store and demand a new one.
        Originally posted by Darkmoor
        What do you mean by crash here? Head crash maybe? Then the only thing to do is to buy a new HD.
        Dont know what kinda crash, it just doesnt work anymore. Either way I like to know why it happened since 2 crashes in 3 months doesnt seem the average to me.


        • #5
          so you cannot get your old files back? wow, can't imagine what i'd do if i lost my data. kind of makes me want to go and backup my files onto another HD

          edit: hm, after looking at HD prices i think i'll risk it (i only wanted to backup my 30GB of music, really)


          • #6
            Meow, hard disks ALL have errors on EACH disk meow! If its crashing meow, its probably your OS misconfigured, meow, so re-install your OS. But, meow, first PARTITION your HARD DISK meow, so that if it fails again meow, all your DAT meow can be on a LOGICAL DISK or a PARTITION meow on the same HARD DISK. OK, MEOW?
            Meow, some programs cause XP to crash its disk managemment, meow. MS company only included indexing as a means to verify data meow during a criminal investigation meow. Research this. Meow, DISK INDEXING is not required. Also, meow, NTFS system redundantly records meow, but is very meow impotent at recovering data meow, except with special disk recovery mechanisms not available to the public at large meow. Try saving your data in a FAT32 part and only letting XP run on a 5 gig part meow. then, if it fails meow, you can re-install meow and soon RECOVER your data in a failure. Meow, also, DO PARTITION your disk meow, the bigger the more likely a fail meow...... good luck meow, and dont spill MILK on it!!! meowwwwwwww


            • #7
              fucking man kitten i couldn't read your post 'cause of the stupid meows, I can't take it. I needt to find out how to use the ignore thing. go here. Get another hard drive, and transfer all your current data to that one. Most likely the protecter head is broke.

