This didn't used to happen, but starting from a few weeks back, whenever I go into the balanceout arena, I can no longer see the circle graphic of robobot, but it is just some obscure image of a lot of lines running horizontally that doesn't ressemble any kind of circle whatsoever. I believe I've tried to redownload the level but it hasn't helped any.
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For some reason, this is what happens when i play Balanceout
I first went into ?go balanceout about two months ago, and this has always been happening to me: ship 7 doesn't show up as a circle, but as either a square full of static (like a corrupted image) or just some horizontal lines, depending on which way the ship is facing.
I even got the balanceout.lvl and balanceout.lvz sent to me from another player for whom it works, but it still doesn't work for me.
EDIT: forcing "Ships" into system memory, under Advanced Options, seems to have solved the issue. B)Last edited by Deewiant; 07-07-2006, 08:22 AM.