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  • internet

    i shud be connected to the internet all the time cus of cable, but on my login on windows xp home ed it says im not connected, but wen i jump onto my mums login it is! any suggestions pleasE?!

  • #2
    so you are not connected? does that means you can't use the internet on your account, but you can use it on your mums account?
    help: (how do i shot) (Public 0): how do i travel diagonally? i only have up, down, left and right keys.

    4:PinkSTAR <ER>> ask DP he knows me inside and out


    • #3
      yeh on my acount it says im not connected, but on me mums it is, no cables are unplugged etc


      • #4
        hmm, maybe it's something with your internet settings? never happened to me... can't help you. sorry
        help: (how do i shot) (Public 0): how do i travel diagonally? i only have up, down, left and right keys.

        4:PinkSTAR <ER>> ask DP he knows me inside and out


        • #5
          DSL or ComCrap Cable? Router? IP#s Comcast will charge you for every connection, DSL does not. Not that this is the problem, but perhaps it could also be a firewall setting? Could be many things.
          May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


          • #6
            In internet explorer, go into Tools -> Internet Options and make sure it's set to "never dial a connection" and then click LAN Settings and make sure it's set to "Automaticaly Detect Settings".

            What happens when you try to access a website, does it say "Page Cannot be displayed" or does it popup with the "Work Offline / Try Again" box?

            If it's the latter, click "Try again" or "connect" if that button is there too.
            USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
            ---A few minutes later---
            9:cool koen> you scorereseted
            9:Kim> UM
            9:Kim> i didn't
            9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
            9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
            9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
            9:pascone> lol?


            • #7
              cheers for the help its sorted now, me mate did it god knows wot he did lol

