Here's the deal, i just plugged in a new MAG 17" lcd flatscreen monitor.
It was shaky horizontally, but changing the refresh rate to 75 hz fixed that - the screen's resolution is 1280 x 1024, now when i log onto subspace i have the same shaky problem and my resolution on ss is 1280 x 1024 x 8 and a refresh rate of 75 hz. Why is it shaky? It's not shaky with a 1152 x 864 x 8 res, but i hate that resolution. Any ideas?
It was shaky horizontally, but changing the refresh rate to 75 hz fixed that - the screen's resolution is 1280 x 1024, now when i log onto subspace i have the same shaky problem and my resolution on ss is 1280 x 1024 x 8 and a refresh rate of 75 hz. Why is it shaky? It's not shaky with a 1152 x 864 x 8 res, but i hate that resolution. Any ideas?