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  • keys

    Just the other day i wanted to make a new custom keyset. I wanted to place attach on right ctrl, shooting remains on left ctrl. I clicked the box to distinguish left/right, there are no conflicts with other commands in any way, but yet it doesnt work.

    In-game the result is that i can shoot with left ctrl, but with the right nothing happens (while before i could also shoot with that). No shot, no message of attaching, nothing. Even in the F1-helpbox it shows the difference, tells me lctrl is shoot, rctrl is attach. Has no effect though.

    I tried to relocate them then, and make the difference between left and right shift. Exactly same effect as described above. Tried it with alt. Same effect. Anyone know how i can solve this?

    I did a help call about it already, but the staffers online at the time all had no idea what could cause it or how to solve it. Anyone else that can? I play on laptop, and its an AZERTY-keyboard.

  • #2
    Hey. I just tried this on desktop and laptop computers, QWERTY keyboard. As far as I can tell, this feature simply doesn't work.

    I had exactly the same problem as you... turning on the option to differnetiate between left and right control allows me to set attach as right control, but then nothing happens in game.

    I can only assume this feature is broken in cont0.4, or never properly implemented?

    LEM - news, reviews and articles of a techy nature


    • #3
      i always thought it applied to macros only. never knew it worked for crtl/shift/alt
      .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
      .ffffff|ff __fffff|


      • #4
        it is for macros.


        • #5
          You can use a program called AutoHotkey to manually remap your Rctrl key to F7 (or any other key you want to use for attach). It's very easy to use.
          Originally posted by Crunchy Nut
          2d spaceships nobody gives a shit


          • #6
            wont work

