So my connection has gone wacky lately.
I am averaging around 1000 ms, for no real reason. Even when I bypass the router and go straight local, I still average around the same.
I had the cable/internet company come, and he did his thing, and it was working great for literally only 15 minutes after he left. After that, it went back to it's same bullshit of 900-1100 ms.
Now whenever I reset it, I get a solid 30 ms on continuum, but only for a good minute, after that it dips off again.
Any suggestions? Perhaps switching my modem box itself?
I am averaging around 1000 ms, for no real reason. Even when I bypass the router and go straight local, I still average around the same.
I had the cable/internet company come, and he did his thing, and it was working great for literally only 15 minutes after he left. After that, it went back to it's same bullshit of 900-1100 ms.
Now whenever I reset it, I get a solid 30 ms on continuum, but only for a good minute, after that it dips off again.
Any suggestions? Perhaps switching my modem box itself?