I would realy like the ship settings and other relevant things thath trenchwars uses
I want them becouse you have one of the best balanced and fun games I've seen on subspace
and I want to make a lan server (big outdoor lan in holland 1500 peeps www.campzone.nl) and i thought thath we might get a good few ppl to play a bit of subspace but it would realy take long to get the settings right and thath's also since i onely once made a server b4 so plz help me out
if u need to mail me mail to ronin@xs2.be
greetz RoNiN
ps. the lan lasts til 4th of august so it would be nice to have a quick reply (for better or worse)
I want them becouse you have one of the best balanced and fun games I've seen on subspace
and I want to make a lan server (big outdoor lan in holland 1500 peeps www.campzone.nl) and i thought thath we might get a good few ppl to play a bit of subspace but it would realy take long to get the settings right and thath's also since i onely once made a server b4 so plz help me out
if u need to mail me mail to ronin@xs2.be
greetz RoNiN
ps. the lan lasts til 4th of august so it would be nice to have a quick reply (for better or worse)