I formated my hard drive so I need to get java running again. First of all, I don't know where to download a java editor or compiler or whatever you guys call it. Where can I download a 'java' 'editor' or 'compiler' please?
Also, a guy told me I need to do something. He was helping me out and sent me an email telling me what I need to do once I install an editor or something. I didn't understand the email though. Can someone translate it into english? What does he want me to do???
This is the email I got......
what you need to do to get your java compiler to work
is to change your
environment variables
this is a link that shows you screenshots explaining
how to get to the point
where you can edit your variables
once you are there find the PATH variable, at the end
of it put in a
semicolon and then, with no spaces type in the path to
the \bin directory of
your sdk
it is most likely C:\Program
but you will need to check that, the next time you
open a command prompt you
should be able to type: javac nameofyourprogram.java
and it will compile
If that does not work just navigate to the bin
directory when you want to
compile a program
when you open a command prompt type in: cd C:\Program
once you are in that directory you should be able to
run the javac compiler
if you can't find the directory where your compiler is
located search your
hard drive for a file named javac
I'm helpless so please help me. Thanks all
Cya around.
About this PATH variable thing.... Does he mean the part of my autoexec.bat that says "SET PATH=%PATH%;C:PROGRA~1\ATITEC~1\ATICON~1" So I would add a new entry on my autoexec.bat that says "SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\j2sdk_nb\j2sdk1.4.2\bin" if I used the directory in his example. Would that be right? I don't understand what I am supposed to do with autoexec.bat.
Also, a guy told me I need to do something. He was helping me out and sent me an email telling me what I need to do once I install an editor or something. I didn't understand the email though. Can someone translate it into english? What does he want me to do???
This is the email I got......
what you need to do to get your java compiler to work
is to change your
environment variables
this is a link that shows you screenshots explaining
how to get to the point
where you can edit your variables
once you are there find the PATH variable, at the end
of it put in a
semicolon and then, with no spaces type in the path to
the \bin directory of
your sdk
it is most likely C:\Program
but you will need to check that, the next time you
open a command prompt you
should be able to type: javac nameofyourprogram.java
and it will compile
If that does not work just navigate to the bin
directory when you want to
compile a program
when you open a command prompt type in: cd C:\Program
once you are in that directory you should be able to
run the javac compiler
if you can't find the directory where your compiler is
located search your
hard drive for a file named javac
I'm helpless so please help me. Thanks all

About this PATH variable thing.... Does he mean the part of my autoexec.bat that says "SET PATH=%PATH%;C:PROGRA~1\ATITEC~1\ATICON~1" So I would add a new entry on my autoexec.bat that says "SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\j2sdk_nb\j2sdk1.4.2\bin" if I used the directory in his example. Would that be right? I don't understand what I am supposed to do with autoexec.bat.