anyone have any ideas here?
i have a new pc with onboard 3d graphics
works great no issues right now except
i usually have the "avoid page flipping" checked so that i get better FPS
when i get in tw's with it i get in the neighbourhood of 260-280 fps
problem is whenever i change arenas in TW's it disconnects me from the server
but, if i uncheck the avoid page flipping i can move about TW's fine, but i only get 60FPS
any ideas?
edit: using cont. .39
i have a new pc with onboard 3d graphics
works great no issues right now except
i usually have the "avoid page flipping" checked so that i get better FPS
when i get in tw's with it i get in the neighbourhood of 260-280 fps
problem is whenever i change arenas in TW's it disconnects me from the server
but, if i uncheck the avoid page flipping i can move about TW's fine, but i only get 60FPS
any ideas?

edit: using cont. .39