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Trenchwars virus infected/ using emails for spam?

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  • Trenchwars virus infected/ using emails for spam?

    I created an alias email only for (somewhere in 2002). It's not visible for other users so noone should know what the emailname is, and i never used it myself or gave it to anyone. About two weeks ago i recieved an virus on that alias, and since then i recieve 1 spam email per day. How can this be? In other words:
    Has been infected with a virus lately and if so, did it used email addresses from the forum to send the virus/ add on a spamlist?
    Does give away users email addresses for spam?

  • #2
    a ghost email with that address probably.


    • #3
      could be, but
      im pretty sure its a unique name, so getting this alias by a generator is highly unlikely


      • #4
        too many different possibilites


        • #5
          You may have had a program on your computer which "harvested" the email address. Try running spybot and adaware and also do a full system virus scan.
          You may have just been unlucky that an email generator guessed yours.

          Are you 100% positive that you didn't use this email for ANYTHING else at all?

          USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
          ---A few minutes later---
          9:cool koen> you scorereseted
          9:Kim> UM
          9:Kim> i didn't
          9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
          9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
          9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
          9:pascone> lol?


          • #6
            why is it so hard from the people to answer my question?? what next, topic moved to useless crap? does tw give emails away or have they been infected lately??

            do i look retarted. wouldnt i have thought things over before sending this to tech/help?
            yes, im 100% sure i didnt use it for anything else (actually i forgot i had the alias)
            yes, i update and run a virusscanner almost daily
            yes, i use ad-aware
            no, the email address isn't stored in any file or anywhere on my pc
            no, its highly unlikely a generator guessed the alias

            but thanks for the help. same as sending emails to complaints@.. you dont even get a reply that the compaint has been recieved (and yet yous whine that ppl post their problems on the forums)


            yes flame me by saying go away. good advice, ill follow it. have a nice day.
            Last edited by SEAL; 02-12-2004, 04:22 AM.


            • #7
              I wasn't saying a 'generator' guessed the alias, I was saying it probly wasnt sent by the person it said it was from.


              • #8
                Originally posted by SEAL
                why is it so hard from the people to answer my question?? what next, topic moved to useless crap? does tw give emails away or have they been infected lately??

                do i look retarted. wouldnt i have thought things over before sending this to tech/help?
                yes, im 100% sure i didnt use it for anything else (actually i forgot i had the alias)
                yes, i update and run a virusscanner almost daily
                yes, i use ad-aware
                no, the email address isn't stored in any file or anywhere on my pc
                no, its highly unlikely a generator guessed the alias

                but thanks for the help. same as sending emails to complaints@.. you dont even get a reply that the compaint has been recieved (and yet yous whine that ppl post their problems on the forums)


                yes flame me by saying go away. good advice, ill follow it. have a nice day.
                Seal, I've got an email address I use solely for TW accounts, and it hasn't had a single piece of junk mail sent to it. You're only looking like a retard when you flip out at nothing. Considering the very large number of people who use TW, and the number of those people who'd have to recieve the junk mail inorder to make it worth TWs time, combine with the fact that NO ONE has replied with a similar experience, it's looking pretty likely that you're either the victim of something on your computer, or a freak random occurence.

                Until 10 other people chime in about the junk mail, cool off.
                Last edited by wadi; 02-12-2004, 10:49 PM.


                • #9
                  I have to go with wadi on this one, I made a separate email address for an something else and I dont get spammed by anything but those stupid "Upgrade your inbox size" messages or whatever from hotmail

