MMRB Schedule: Every Wednesday 9/20 - 10/18, 6-8pm EST
Every Wednesday evening between 9/20 the start of TWDT Season 28 (10/18; sign the fk up) I will be carving out (at least) a 2 hour window dedicated SOLELY TO MMRBasing. Hopefully there's enough of a timezone overlap for some euros to be able to enjoy this dedicated basing window, too!
Why we’re using MMRB instead of ?go base:
While MMRB is still in its infancy and currently functions like ?go base, the MMRBot still tracks MMR changes per ship and overall match results with an API. The more we use MMRB, the more feedback we can collect to hopefully continue improving the product, stat tracking and MMR leaderboards.
Current MMRB functionality:
- 8v8 flag race to 10 minutes
- MMR Hosts assign captains who alternate selecting players (like ?go base); MMRBot doesn’t currently auto-generate teams like MMRJ or MMRD
- Players can !np to opt out of being added via the MatchBot (not MMRBot)