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Bug in bot

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  • Bug in bot

    Found a bug in the MatchBotR4 that's currently in base. I was spidering, got switched to wb then back to spider, and my !rating for MVP had reset.
    1:Zerzera> aura shut up
    1:Zerzera> you hate my recruits because I am muslim
    jdigs3> jdigs offers u his protection

  • #2
    It's not a bug. If AFAIK it's a change to keep people from cheating MVP by changing ships. If you didn't know, before if you changed ships, it would screw up the MVP ratings.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Stabwound
      It's not a bug. If AFAIK it's a change to keep people from cheating MVP by changing ships. If you didn't know, before if you changed ships, it would screw up the MVP ratings.
      I knew that but that's a really lazy work around to the problem of people changing ships. When people change ships, why not take their previous rating and start from it on the new ship, instead of being on ship 0? I'd offer any coding help or help with the formula if this is necessary.
      1:Zerzera> aura shut up
      1:Zerzera> you hate my recruits because I am muslim
      jdigs3> jdigs offers u his protection


      • #4
        There are 7 different ships you can play each with 6 ships that could switch into. If my thinking is right, then there are 42 different ways you can switch ship. Therefore you'll need to come up with 42 decent seperate formulas or a way to derive them from existing formulas.

        If you or someone else comes up with that or a much more ingenious simpler idea, then it probably will be done. Your best bet is coming up with something yourself.


        • #5
          Calculate your mvp status at the time of the ship change and store it and reset the statistics (or store them seperately). Recalculate at the end of the game and add them together. You'd still only need the 7 formulas.

          That said, don't waste your time, MVP is boring.


          • #6
            MVP may be boring ... but stats would be fun to see ... [poke] ... I'd like to see more specific stats, esp since it looks like we might change to time race. Flag stats would be spectaculous.

            There was one particular stat that I wonder if it could be measured/implemented. Say you touch flag ... changing it from blue to yellow, can you measure the duration of time that flag is on your team until the nme touches it? So I wanna see if because of my flag touch, it lasts for 1 min ... (my team gets that 1 min). So by the end of the game, we can see each member of the winning team, and each individual touch they made along with the duration for each touch ... all of them, on the winning team, should add up to 15 min (assuming 15 min time race). This sorta shows who made those important flag touches that gained their team the time they needed to win that time race.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Verthanthi
              Calculate your mvp status at the time of the ship change and store it and reset the statistics (or store them seperately). Recalculate at the end of the game and add them together. You'd still only need the 7 formulas.

              That said, don't waste your time, MVP is boring.
              Didn't actually bother to see the existing formulas.. they're simpler than I thought. So yeah scrap what I said and yes yours looks like a reasonable solution.


              • #8
                The problem with storing statistics at the time of the ship change and then writing a forumla to recalculate your new rating and all that jazz... it eats up space on the server, and it eats up CPU on the server. Keep the bot code as simple as possible. We don't need them any laggier than they already are. All in all, do away with MVP in base games. It's just far too subjective a subject. You're never going to get formulas that spit out an MVP that everyone agrees upon.
                jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                • #9
                  I still don't understand exactly why the voting system doesn't work. I don't think it'd be a "popularity contest" as other ppl pointed out. Doesn't the voting system work in HZ (at least when I was there)?

                  Let the winning team's player who played the game get 1 vote (usually 8 if there are no subs) ... and maybe 1 vote from the capt of the opposing team (he/she can get a consensus from the team). And make it so that you cannot vote for yourself ... and you can also abstain. If there is a tie then there are co-MVPs.
                  Last edited by Sufficient; 04-22-2004, 12:28 PM.


                  • #10
                    There is no bug in the bot, the bot stores all the stats for each ship change. When you do !rating it only shows the current one. But if you were to display it on the TWD site or calculate MVP you have access to all of the stats.
                    Jav Guide: Jav Guide

                    Too bad you have to be a pallie to see it

