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The TWJD map

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  • #16
    Originally posted by PEGASiS
    You honestly think that they can't get them the same? It's a matter of copying a file...............
    I meant everything down to the dot. Not just maps. I realize maps can be put in as quick as i can snap my finger, but everything in TWD should be same as TWL if its dooable bc its used as a method to choose TWL squads.


    • #17
      wow...somebody actually said something that makes sense...i agree :up:
      "I'm a fucking walking paradox, no I'm not
      Threesomes with a fucking triceratops, Reptar
      " - Tyler the Creator
      Yonkers video -


      • #18
        Originally posted by Miku19
        I don't know if people agree with me, but I'd like to see the TWLJ map in TWJD. In my opinion the upper corners are pretty useless in the current jd map (yeah, you can OCCASIONALLY get your ass saved, but against good guys you're 100% dead). The lj map has this thing fixed. And it's especially handy when playing easy teams to get a good rec
        the left and righthand upper corners aren't bad IMO but the the two narrow pipes going up towards the center on both sides are awful. No way you can do anything in there. And because mixing the TWL and TWD maps would only make things even messier, I think the TWL map is very much better.
        5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
        5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
        5: Da1andonly> =((
        5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
        5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
        5: Epinephrine> oh shit


        • #19
          the twl map is better in my point of view

          base is near than on the jd map.

          entrances are more wide, avoids lamage while ppl get in.

          the top corners give more chance of using whole map, id rather not fly up when im outnumbered.
          8:I Hate Cookies> a gota dágua foi quando falei q eu tinha 38 anos e estava apaixonado por uma garota, mas a família dela n deixava agente namorar
          8:I Hate Cookies> aí quando todo mundo me apoiou falando q o amor supera tudo, falei q a garota tinha 12 anos
          8:I Hate Cookies> aí todos mudaram repentinamente de opinião falando q eu era um pedófilo
          8:AnImoL> esses amigos falsos
          8:SCHOPE NORRIS> o amor supera tudo. da até pra esperar a puberdade
          8:I Hate Cookies> sim... fiquei desiludido schope...


          • #20
            ya, twl and twd maps should be the same...
            My Blog
            I'm looking for a basing squad. Hit me up. Caim E.X.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Caim E.X.
              ya, twl and twd maps should be the same...
              Thanks for bringing back a dead thread....that rhymed
              Originally posted by Tone
              Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


              • #22
                If you are stuck in near the corner and have to resort to going into one, you can easily thrust your way into and out the other side without a sweat, just need some adaquate flying ability. If you fly through fast enough, cances are you will be safe to float off and get some kills of your own, Leave it the same.. :eek:


                • #23
                  But while you're inside that corner, you're a pretty easy target. Furthermore, most people only go there when they're running, so they're likely to have less energy making them even easier targets.
                  USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
                  ---A few minutes later---
                  9:cool koen> you scorereseted
                  9:Kim> UM
                  9:Kim> i didn't
                  9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
                  9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
                  9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
                  9:pascone> lol?


                  • #24
                    Please make a poll about this. Just like u did with the assistants thing.

                    1:PaulOakenfold> thunder doesn't have a map;... gonna join nc17
                    1:PaulOakenfold> it's been real
                    1:Vitja> thunders map is ?go twlj
                    1:Vitja> afk
                    1:Underground> haha vit
                    1:Kian> LOL VITJA

                    -Sk8 site and forums:


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by gob
                      If you are stuck in near the corner and have to resort to going into one, you can easily thrust your way into and out the other side without a sweat, just need some adaquate flying ability. If you fly through fast enough, cances are you will be safe to float off and get some kills of your own, Leave it the same.. :eek:
                      Its not about being able to get through that tiny area ezily or not. Im suree even the best pilots will miss a step and bounce there once in awhile. Like the other guy said, ur an ez target there bc anyone who hits a bomb against that wall will kill you. U dont really have much room to move around up in that corner. Ur basicaly cutting part of the map off by havng them corners. Ppl who go up there usualy end up dying 1 way or another.

                      And last but not least, all TWD maps should be same as TWL maps. IF u want the TWD map then make TWL use that. Keep them the same!


                      • #26
                        The top right and left corners of the TWJD map are indeed treacherous, and they should be fixed so that people would actually consider flying around those areas. That doesn't mean, though, that the TWJD map should be the same as the TWLJ map. If you let players use the TWLJ maps over and over, by the time TWL comes, the nerdies that played 24/7 before the start of the season will have an advantage. IMO, the TWLJ map shouldn't even be revealed before the season starts, and it should be a new, or at least somewhat modified map each season, which would reveal who are the true talented jav players.

