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  • #16
    BD and DD/JD

    Click image for larger version

Name:	hSokZtz.png
Views:	205
Size:	5.3 KB
ID:	1346165


    • #17
      Originally posted by WillBy View Post
      Agreed, I like the concept of the colors, but it doesn't really make sense for spectators. The negative space text is cool but kind of distracting.

      Something cool to add at some point would be changing the personal K for sharks into something more useful. Maybe others who actually get more than 10 kp30 enjoy this stat, but I've never really been interested. Stats I would like to see live (though I dont know how easy these are to count/live update):
      • shrap is either 0, 3, or 5, and I dont like typing ?status to know which angle;
      • RPD, though this one wont be too interesting after the first 2 minutes;
      • reps remaining, this one can be solved with custom graphics though;
      • or teamkills in addition to the existing K, which might let you gauge aggressiveness.
      Shrap info is a bit unreliable, but I can put in some code to see if it would do the trick. Are there shrapnel upgrades in greens? if so, that might make it harder still. Or was the shrapnel count locked and did it switch each death? I remember hearing about that somewhere, but that might've just be something experimented with in ?go base or twbd2. Could certainly look at adding some sort of indicator for shrap amount if the data is accurate (enough).

      RPD would be easy to show, and could include some extra info like total reps, or higher precision (2.95.. 2.543.. etc.)

      Reps remaining is slightly less tricky compared to shrap, but again, greened reps might be unreliable. Like shrap, could also add an indicator if accurate (enough).

      Team kills could replace deaths maybe? So white number = normal kills, and red number = team kills


      • #18
        Could add an indicator for shrap like this. Which would fit in with the game's design, but might not be visible enough.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	woYXkqV.png
Views:	217
Size:	3.1 KB
ID:	1346171

        For RPD. RPD ratio with 2 decimals on the left, total reps on the right

        Click image for larger version

Name:	uhuHjCL.png
Views:	203
Size:	2.5 KB
ID:	1346172

        For team kills. Enemy kills on the left, team kills on the right

        Click image for larger version

Name:	XkvS9KE.png
Views:	198
Size:	2.2 KB
ID:	1346173

        Maybe something like this for repels and shrap

        Click image for larger version

Name:	lfAUqlo.png
Views:	196
Size:	2.5 KB
ID:	1346174


        • #19
          Originally posted by BIET View Post

          Shrap info is a bit unreliable, but I can put in some code to see if it would do the trick. Are there shrapnel upgrades in greens? if so, that might make it harder still. Or was the shrapnel count locked and did it switch each death? I remember hearing about that somewhere, but that might've just be something experimented with in ?go base or twbd2. Could certainly look at adding some sort of indicator for shrap amount if the data is accurate (enough).

          RPD would be easy to show, and could include some extra info like total reps, or higher precision (2.95.. 2.543.. etc.)

          Reps remaining is slightly less tricky compared to shrap, but again, greened reps might be unreliable. Like shrap, could also add an indicator if accurate (enough).

          Team kills could replace deaths maybe? So white number = normal kills, and red number = team kills
          Both shrap and reps are available from greens. A shrap indicator would be most useful (to me) but I get how it could be unreliable. Any/all of those alternatives look good, I'd like to see hear some input from others before any direction on what's best


          • #20
            You know, it doesn't have to be a choice. I could put all of those in and players could pick the one they like.


            • #21
              Thanks to rab I found a way how to display the line-up indicators at the top selectively. There is an option View > Options > Other called "Use Optional Level Graphics and Sound". If you uncheck it, the dots will not show for you. Now you may think: "But.. Wait..! I liked those during setup". No worries, those will still be there. How? Magic

              Click image for larger version

Name:	4znRWvx.png
Views:	202
Size:	2.4 KB
ID:	1346214

              Let me know if you are running into any issues with the setting turned off.


              • #22
                Originally posted by BIET View Post
                a couple of options. top is current scoreboard

                Click image for larger version Name:	xt6S9Hb.png Views:	0 Size:	9.1 KB ID:	1346152
                I like your additions to the graphics so far! But simple is better. Can we see the quoted graphic with all of the stuff in the middle removed, leaving only the team names and time accumulated for each team (centered over one another)? Remove vs, remove total game time, remove the dots, etc.

                Switching colors between blue/yellow based on flag control will get confusing. I know whether my team has flag. I look at the scoreboard for time only. Could try having your team names/time in yellow and enemy team names/time in blue.
                Last edited by Pressure; 07-18-2020, 11:25 AM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BIET View Post
                  Could add an indicator for shrap like this. Which would fit in with the game's design, but might not be visible enough.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	woYXkqV.png
Views:	217
Size:	3.1 KB
ID:	1346171

                  Originally posted by BIET View Post

                  Maybe something like this for repels and shrap

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	lfAUqlo.png
Views:	196
Size:	2.5 KB
ID:	1346174


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by BIET View Post
                    BD and DD/JD

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	hSokZtz.png
Views:	205
Size:	5.3 KB
ID:	1346165
                    Went with this variant in the end. The names being aligned with the scores cleans it up a lot. Made the name text a bit darker so scores stand out more too. If the middle was removed it would actually make it harder to read scores, as they would be too close to each other.

                    Pressure, that repel/shrap counter would be an option, not the default. So you would just not use it if you don't like it.

                    Was also thinking, for reps it might make sense to include the rep count of your partner shark? And maybe an indicator that tells you he's respawning? Appreciate the feedback!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by BIET View Post

                      Went with this variant in the end. The names being aligned with the scores cleans it up a lot. Made the name text a bit darker so scores stand out more too. If the middle was removed it would actually make it harder to read scores, as they would be too close to each other.

                      Pressure, that repel/shrap counter would be an option, not the default. So you would just not use it if you don't like it.

                      Was also thinking, for reps it might make sense to include the rep count of your partner shark? And maybe an indicator that tells you he's respawning? Appreciate the feedback!
                      i like this layout. What about making the scores / timers red like actual scoreboards?
                      zidane> big play
                      Omega Red> dwop sick
                      mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
                      WillBy> ^^

                      1:Chief Utsav> LOL
                      1:Rule> we dont do that here.

                      cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


                      • #26
                        I like everything you've done and it looks great. But I think the 8 dots in TWBD are pointless. They really serve no purpose that would come up every game, at least in a jd or dd you know how many players are in.
                        Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
                        Message has been sent to online moderators
                        2:BLeeN> veh yes
                        2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
                        2:BLeeN> ok then no
                        :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
                        (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
                          I like everything you've done and it looks great. But I think the 8 dots in TWBD are pointless. They really serve no purpose that would come up every game, at least in a jd or dd you know how many players are in.
                          That's why they are optional. Unfortunately it's either on or off for both BD and DD/JD. DD and JD do have a mini version on the sides of the round score box. So you never miss out entirely.


                          • #28
                            Good work on updating the graphics, I like the scoreboard rework!

                            For the rep idea, I know the original weapons gauge graphics already show you your shrap amount as the graphics behind the bomb changes. Setting weapons gauge to text already shows you the shrap amount along with bomb lvl. Is there a way to harmonize both settings?

                            For the statbox above radar, I feel like there is some redundancy in basing for showing the flag time twice, at radar and in the scorebox. I don't feel like both are required but others may like it. The idea of showing shrap# and reps remaining may also be redundant because they are already shown on the weapons gauge on the left of our screen. I think that section should be for info that is not already available to players on their HUD (K/D is hidden in F2 so it's nice to have available, for example). I think the rpd idea is okay. Along the lines of that, it could maybe show efficiencies in all the ships (ie: rpd in sharks, K/bul for spiders, K/burst(bul) for terrs). I feel that the stat area above radar should just be for info that we can't immediately see at a glance while playing.
                            duel pasta <ER>> i can lick my asshole

                            Mattey> put me in corch

                            zidane> go kf urself pork


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by project dragon View Post
                              Good work on updating the graphics, I like the scoreboard rework!

                              For the rep idea, I know the original weapons gauge graphics already show you your shrap amount as the graphics behind the bomb changes. Setting weapons gauge to text already shows you the shrap amount along with bomb lvl. Is there a way to harmonize both settings?

                              For the statbox above radar, I feel like there is some redundancy in basing for showing the flag time twice, at radar and in the scorebox. I don't feel like both are required but others may like it. The idea of showing shrap# and reps remaining may also be redundant because they are already shown on the weapons gauge on the left of our screen. I think that section should be for info that is not already available to players on their HUD (K/D is hidden in F2 so it's nice to have available, for example). I think the rpd idea is okay. Along the lines of that, it could maybe show efficiencies in all the ships (ie: rpd in sharks, K/bul for spiders, K/burst(bul) for terrs). I feel that the stat area above radar should just be for info that we can't immediately see at a glance while playing.
                              So weird that they decided that the shrap amount is visible in the text version but not in the icon version. The game even has the graphics for it, it's just not used. The bomb alt graphic only shows if your bomb has shrap, not the amount. The idea was to just add the original graphics used for repel count etc. and add those left to the bomb graphic like you can see in one of the earlier screenshots.

                              As for the player display. I'm working on a version that would allow for all sorts of stats to show there, or none at all. Currently you can switch between OFF/PLAYER SCORE ONLY/ON. The second one just hides the team scores on top of your personal score. The new version would allow you to select the info you want. So if you'd like RPD to show up, it will be there. As for the reps amount showing there, it might be redundant, as it's already on your screen, but the main idea is that it would also allow to see the current reps of your shark partner.

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	a3khUQY.png
Views:	157
Size:	3.3 KB
ID:	1346585

                              Other stats could also be improved upon. Another way to visualize, and bring it into focus, could be to show your total reps right below your ship.

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	r9JxVhP.png
Views:	140
Size:	3.9 KB
ID:	1346586

                              Other ideas are to add respawn timers of team mates to the player display (bottom right) or implementing those in the line-up dots at the top.
                              Attached Files


                              • #30
                                Great work so far.

                                It would be nice to have those dots under your ship to show shrap while in shark.

                                Is there a way we can add to the overlay for dd/jd to show enemy players at high deaths?
                                Siaxis> yo it was way harder to kill Rage then beam in that dtd

                                rylo> 1.5 mil for whoever kills renzi
                                (10 seconds later)
                                rEnZi is out. 17 kills 10 deaths. 2 players remain.
                                P TW-Pub> rylo sent you $1,500,000, you now have $4,047,199.

                                If you're going to do a thing you should to it to the best of your ability or don't do it at all.

