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I need your help

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  • I need your help

    After all these years we still haven't solved the flag jupe issue in basing games. Yes, there's a command (
    btw) that at least prevents 10s of seconds going to the wrong team, but that's not really a solution.

    Every direct fix has either been impractical, unreliable, or impossible. But maybe we were just thinking too much. I'd like to get some feedback on yet another potential solution.

    Instead of 1 flag, we have 3 flags.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2022-08-13_003809043.png
Views:	189
Size:	2.6 KB
ID:	1360686

    Basically the entire top side of the flag bar becomes a flag. The idea is that it's almost impossible to jupe all three flags at the same time.

    There are some pros and cons to this approach, and while I could name some of them, I'd rather get the thoughts of others first.

    So, is this worth trying? And why (not)?


    I might just throw this in pub and see how it does. We currently haven't added the !jupe command there as it would either be staff using it, definitely making pub players angry, or have it be spammed, also making pub players angry. Adding two flags will also definitely make pub players angry, but at least it would be with a (hopefully) negligible chance of games lost due to flag jupes.

  • #2
    Interesting idea. - some thoughts, which may be complete bs because it's late

    What would be the criteria for gaining time?
    - holds 1 flag? no because both teams can hold 1 flag and in tw basing only 1 team should be scoring at any time.
    - holds 2 flags? maybe, but if both teams hold 1 flag and the third one jupes, it's still a jupe messing the game up. I guess the assumption is that teams won't have 1 flag each if someone is in control.
    - holds 3 flags? no because a jupe would prevent gaining time just like today.

    Does it improve if there are even more flags? .e.g. 5
    - holds 1 flag, nope
    - holds 2 flags, maybe
    - holds 3 flags, maybe <- sweet spot?
    - holds 4 flags, maybe
    - holds 5 flags, nope

    what if the flags are spread out, example:

    if 3 flags is the requirement for gaining time, this provides some other flags which can be claimed to achieve 3 flags total


    • #3
      The idea is to still stay as close to the current situation while eliminating the biggest issue of a flag jupe, not being able to reclaim the flag to get the bot to register the flag has been touched. So you could see the three flags as one single flag. I've made a graphic that would show the flag state (the shaded area) according to the bot, similar to the progress bar in pub. The three dots in the center are showing the actual flag's state.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2022-08-13_235342864.png
Views:	165
Size:	5.7 KB
ID:	1360704

      Claiming the flag is basically unchanged from the current setup. The team who had the last flag claim gets possession. If both teams claimed a flag that second, the flag is hold is considered neutral and no time is counted towards a team's overall time.


      • #4
        Originally posted by BIET View Post
        The idea is to still stay as close to the current situation while eliminating the biggest issue of a flag jupe, not being able to reclaim the flag to get the bot to register the flag has been touched. So you could see the three flags as one single flag. I've made a graphic that would show the flag state (the shaded area) according to the bot, similar to the progress bar in pub. The three dots in the center are showing the actual flag's state.

        Click image for larger version  Name:	image_2022-08-13_235342864.png Views:	0 Size:	5.7 KB ID:	1360704

        Claiming the flag is basically unchanged from the current setup. The team who had the last flag claim gets possession. If both teams claimed a flag that second, the flag is hold is considered neutral and no time is counted towards a team's overall time.
        This is neat.

        Visually letting players know jupes can happen may help more players be aware them, thereby reducing the # of jupes and amount of time per jupe.

        I typically see the same few folks use the !jupe command (facking cheaters).

        Your solution may eliminate the consequence of needing to claim 2-3 flags (which could change gameplay).

        Maybe labeling & visually displaying the other 2 flags as "JUPE" circles could help players understand that its 1 flag, with 1 on each side in case of a jupe.

        I like it as a participating player. It could help me, and team members/opposing players go to and fight for flag sooner.

        Edit: it's not a Bietje art piece but wut can ya do🖕

        Click image for larger version  Name:	jupe.png Views:	0 Size:	3.0 KB ID:	1360715
        Last edited by Riverside; 08-14-2022, 11:15 AM.


        • #5
          instead of having multiple flags, could you just have multiple bots monitoring and then just have them figure it out amongst themselves? or since all the bots would be coming from the same server maybe theyd always just see the exact same thing. after all, if theres anything we need more of, its bots in spec.

          1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


          • #6
            BIET I think the answer is: yes it's worth trying


            • #7
              Make it so!
              Great idea.
              Ogron - "Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for 10* attitude [Ardour]"

              ranked #2 in ogrons signature of: TWL's most irrelevant nobodies pubtrash bozos with 0 titles.

              TWLD Season 19 #70th Best Warbird
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              TW Greatest no-shipper 2002 - Present

