wouldn't it be cool if you forfeited 1 death every time you specced-for-rec to get out of a tight situation in a dd. Make homies think twice before they abuse lagouts. Obviously no forfeits if they lag out properly
Itd have to have a time limit thing - like what if i DO have to go afk to take teh trash out or something? it should be like if you spec - if you enter in under 30 seconds you get one death or something. All in all it would be too complicated to implement IMO.
when you lagout - you lagout - when abused you spec...it can tell by the amount of lag wether youd lag out or specced. BTW Kim, what about those that DONT lag, they can use all 3 specs and not worry about a lagout.
Ok, speaking from the wb perspective to begin with, the only valid reason they would spec is if the one player sees that 3 people are chasing him into a corner, and they all obviously have antiwarp, so he specs. I have never seen anyone who is on the winning team use the spec like that. Okay, he specs 3 times. Now what? Seriously, you people are taking an isolated incident that does not affect the gameplay whatsoever, and blowing it way out of proportions. Let the last guy standing use his lagouts, whatever. If he can somehow use those 3 lagouts to win the game for his team, then wow.
In javs, the only possible way u can spec (cuz u need full energy), is if u are playing all defensive, and you're getting cornered and are about to get swamped with bullets. So you spec. There is no advantage whatsover.
na sometimes u realy need to spec for eg if ur only assits online and u need to sub some1 u dont want to die trying to sub him so u spec and do it, might not be the best example but meh
Cat: You'd never get a cat to be a servant. You ever see a cat return a stick? 'Hey man. You threw the stick, you go and get it yourself, I'm busy. If you wanted the stick so bad, why'd you throw it away in the first place?'
unlimited lagouts in jd and dd, punish each one with 1 death.
no matter if it's a lagout or a spec.
5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
5: Da1andonly> =((
5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
5: Epinephrine> oh shit
Uh Jeansi, now we have to think back about the actual laggers now. O yea, I'd love to play against someone who has 1000 ms ping and he gets unlimited re-entries. The game would last twice as long and the sole laggot would probably win too.
Ok, speaking from the wb perspective to begin with, the only valid reason they would spec is if the one player sees that 3 people are chasing him into a corner, and they all obviously have antiwarp, so he specs. I have never seen anyone who is on the winning team use the spec like that. Okay, he specs 3 times. Now what? Seriously, you people are taking an isolated incident that does not affect the gameplay whatsoever, and blowing it way out of proportions. Let the last guy standing use his lagouts, whatever. If he can somehow use those 3 lagouts to win the game for his team, then wow.
In javs, the only possible way u can spec (cuz u need full energy), is if u are playing all defensive, and you're getting cornered and are about to get swamped with bullets. So you spec. There is no advantage whatsover.
I recall Alt-Tab keeps you ingame but you eat all the bullets....and I also think that Ctrl Q works anytime as long as your bar is blue (doesn't have to be full)
to be honest i like it the way it is, if i person uses the lagout as a cheat its usually when he is under pressure from 2-3 in the other team, while he is the last in for his team, and in most cases that person usually loses anyway, but if something could be done i guess it wouldnt hurt.
Besides that there is a trick to get yourself out of the game without really speccing. I just think in most of the times a squad will win anyways if a person has to spec to save his lives.
Oh and when you have a phonecall its nice if you can spec for a sec instead of dying out.