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Moderator had PW stolen?

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  • Moderator had PW stolen?

    I got online today and someone had dissolved the BoZ roster. Acumo was on and said he didnt do it and someone hacked his account and dissolved it(This ofcourse has nothing to do with the fact we just beat Incuria 5min b4 ) Then when I was messing around in Pub I heard a rumor that a Mod got his pw stolen? Is this true and might it have anything to do with the roster mishap?
    Phillie> lag isnt skill btw F-35
    Kthx> yes it is, newbie.

  • #2
    no, Boz was dissolved because it sucko alotto dicko


    • #3
      This is unlikey. If a mod like me would lose his password.. which will never happen unless I get haxorized by some Elite Haxor, anyways.. if this does happen.. HE CANT DO SHIT WITH THAT NICKNAME!... .He can only fool around in tw.. with his powers.. which will lead to that dude getting caught.. I dont even think he can ban.. cuz he needs a pw for that aswell .. maybe *kill.. but nothing more

      Andddd only a FEW moderators "TWDOPS" actually have the power to the website to "Dissolve squads" which means.. Someone hacked lnx? .. lol no way Believe me.. Your captain pressed a wrong button.. or another one of your (C)'s did.. There is no way a moderator did this! it's just not possible

      There your answer


      (ps. in case a twdop did this.. then your squad probably excisted 70% out of double squadders, not sure though.. Twdops.. Go respond and explain this)
      Under <ZH>> pred i want to taste your man juice!!!
      Originally posted by Cig Smoke
      Pred > JRA > the rest of u


      • #4
        yeah I e1i7e h4xx0red ur squad cuz u beat us in a jd... BURN BITCH BURN!! h4xx0rd!
        audit> and btw, im your fan!

        DeeZ NuTs> time to own
        DeeZ NuTs> got my fedex hat on
        Azreal> LOloL
        cook> ROFL

        R.I.P VENOM


        • #5
          I do know that I.D.I.O.T. had her name accessed by someone other than her, and the person in question did a *zoner exposing himself and was promptly banned. Regardless, I don't think I.D.I.O.T. had access to the TWD database, nor did any of the TWD ops have their names hacked. So it's most likely either a glitch or one of your cocaptains betrayed you. Either way, discuss it with a TWD op in game and just sign up again. Sorry.
          5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
          5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
          5:royst> i wish it was calculus

          1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

          1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


          • #6
            1) that wasnt smart from you

            2) who cares is boz beat incuria in jd, they r both no good at it

            3) why a mod would do such a stupid thing for few twd points.

            4) i bet 10 bucks you capped someone and this person did it. Gj
            8:I Hate Cookies> a gota dágua foi quando falei q eu tinha 38 anos e estava apaixonado por uma garota, mas a família dela n deixava agente namorar
            8:I Hate Cookies> aí quando todo mundo me apoiou falando q o amor supera tudo, falei q a garota tinha 12 anos
            8:I Hate Cookies> aí todos mudaram repentinamente de opinião falando q eu era um pedófilo
            8:AnImoL> esses amigos falsos
            8:SCHOPE NORRIS> o amor supera tudo. da até pra esperar a puberdade
            8:I Hate Cookies> sim... fiquei desiludido schope...


            • #7
              Wow sorry bout the incuria joke. It was just that, a joke. Anyway I just wanted to see if anyone knew anything but nobody does so ok.
              Phillie> lag isnt skill btw F-35
              Kthx> yes it is, newbie.


              • #8
                Seriously, which captain of a TWD squad hasn't seen that "Dissolve Squad" link and been just a little bit tempted?


                • #9
                  I wish you newbies would just stop harassing me. I wouldn't delete your petty squad even if I could. And I don't cry myself to sleep over a twjd, unlike you.
                  Did it ever occur to you that Acumo himself decided to hit the "dissolve squad"-link, because from what I heard from some of your squaddies, they couldn't find another IP on And it's not like he put some effort in putting it back up?
                  Last edited by Zerzera; 11-16-2004, 06:05 AM.
                  You ate some priest porridge


                  • #10
                    I just read zerz's sig, and realized that if cook can hit his head in the chair, he should be able to bend enough to suck his own dick too B)
                    5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
                    5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
                    5: Da1andonly> =((
                    5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
                    5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
                    5: Epinephrine> oh shit


                    • #11
                      Bah! Anyone from Incuria... I was kidding ok? I don't think you did it. For all I know acumo was lying. I don't really care. I was just asking to see if it was a possibility and I heard the stuff about I.D.I.O.T.
                      Phillie> lag isnt skill btw F-35
                      Kthx> yes it is, newbie.


                      • #12
                        [CHEAPSHOT]Your head asplode [/CHEAPSHOT]

