I just looked at a squads roster (EliteKrew) and its 61 people! damn i thought the max was 50, and i was just wondering is that a new record? <_<
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New Record?
Rejected Basers at one time had over 60 members..... when they only played basing at that time lol...
for the record there is no roster limit for TWD that is enforced, and for TWL its 35
but any twl team can have more on their twd roster, but must submit 35 for their twl rosterWomen will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.
Originally posted by BosshawkRejected Basers at one time had over 60 members..... when they only played basing at that time lol...Max we had was umm... 43/44 members?!
oh yeh, "during my times" i mean from like... last summer till now... -_-AcidBomber <ER> ^-^
Acid, first.
You joined this fall (Aug 16...was 2 days before me, so i remember)
Rb has been around for something like 2, maybe 3 years, you have been here for 6 months.
Stop acting like you are a vet to RB.k8> (both my dad's are gay :( )
oh intersquad fight
Acidbomber: I never said I was.
Roggan: Then why do you have 'Join RB now' in your signature?
Acidbomber: It doesn't imply that I think I'm a vet. I know I joined late.
Roggan: Then don't act surprised when it wasn't around your time
Acidbomber: Fine, but I wasn't implying anything
Roggan: Ok lets kiss up
Acidbomber: K
Yay, more RB drama.
Originally posted by ToneIt is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.Originally posted by the_paulGargle battery acid fuckfaceOriginally posted by Material GirlI tried downloading a soundcard
Yeah i just noticed EK's roster
And they suddenly jumped up to #4 in TWD what the hell...
We've beat these guys twice but they beat us like 10x lolCurrently listening to:
Valient Thorr - Immortalizer
Dead to Me - Little Brother
Tim Barry - Manchester
Lemuria - Get Better
Alkaline Trio - Agony and Irony