Your favourite TWD Squads fighting for bragging rights in matches with random game types and random maps.
Tell your squad captain to ?message me (Dameon Angell) to get your name put to the list of squads available to play on Wednesday Nights.
Every Thursday (still working on the exact date structure), everyone will vote on a list of matches for which match they'd prefer to see until Sunday Night. The winning match gets hosted on Wednesday. The winning squads will be invited back to a Championship Match for the Mayhem Championship Title.
Just remember, to get this working, we need you. Let me know if your squad is interested in play by leaving a ?message to Dameon Angell with "I would like to participate in the Mid-Week Mayhem Wednesday" or whatever.
For an example of the types of fights you could be having...
4 Way Dance in ?go prodem in a game of Conquer
2 Squads battling for the flagroom in a pub
3 Squads in a basing match in ?go Angellbase
3 Squads in ?go Mario in a game of Team Deathmatch to 15, all prizes unlocked
We'll probably be taking audience suggestions for what you wanna see be played as well.
Stay tuned for more information and the official starting date as this develops.
-Dameon Angell and -Wark <ER>
Current Squads Available for Matches
-Dingus Inc.
Tell your squad captain to ?message me (Dameon Angell) to get your name put to the list of squads available to play on Wednesday Nights.
Every Thursday (still working on the exact date structure), everyone will vote on a list of matches for which match they'd prefer to see until Sunday Night. The winning match gets hosted on Wednesday. The winning squads will be invited back to a Championship Match for the Mayhem Championship Title.
Just remember, to get this working, we need you. Let me know if your squad is interested in play by leaving a ?message to Dameon Angell with "I would like to participate in the Mid-Week Mayhem Wednesday" or whatever.
For an example of the types of fights you could be having...
4 Way Dance in ?go prodem in a game of Conquer
2 Squads battling for the flagroom in a pub
3 Squads in a basing match in ?go Angellbase
3 Squads in ?go Mario in a game of Team Deathmatch to 15, all prizes unlocked
We'll probably be taking audience suggestions for what you wanna see be played as well.
Stay tuned for more information and the official starting date as this develops.
-Dameon Angell and -Wark <ER>
Current Squads Available for Matches
-Dingus Inc.